Pretender (Transformers)

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A Pretender is a Transformers concept in which a transforming robot is concealed within a large shell that disguises its true nature or appearance.


Generation 1

Animated series

Though the Pretenders were released too late for inclusion in The Transformers cartoon, they did appear in Transformers: Super-God Masterforce




Devil's Due

Fun Publications

In Beast Wars: Shattered Glass, Prowl used Pretender and Headmaster technology in combination in order to create the organic alternate forms for himself and his fellow Autobots, who subsequently became the Maximals.

Double Pretenders

The Transformers toyline was intended to include a line of Double Pretenders-shells containing two robots as opposed to one-but it was cancelled before it could be produced. Years later, Fun Publications would produce three Double Pretender exclusives.

Known Pretenders

