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Perceptor is the name of several fictional characters from the Transformers series.

Transformers: Generation 1

Transformers character
Generation 1 Perceptorl in box
Created by

Species Transformer


Alternate mode



"One's ultimate truth lies in one's molecular structure."

Transformers: Generation 1
Transformers: Classic
Transformers: Reveal the Shield
Tech specs

ST07 IN10 SP02 EN07

RN07 CO08 FB08 SK10

Fictional biography

Unquenchable thirst for knowledge... seeks it to exclusion of all else... Main role is to study the best ways the Autobots can adapt to Earth. Extremely smart. Scientific specialties are metallurgy, molecular chemistry, electrical engineering. As microscope, capable of powerful magnification. Lens barrel converts into powerful light cannon. Carries concussion rifle in robot mode. Absent minded. Lenses are his weakest part.

Animated series

The Transformers

In The Transformers Perceptor made his first appearance in "Dinobot Island Part 2" when he assisted Chip Chase at understanding some unusual phenomena occurring in that episode.[1]

His first major role is in "Microbots" when Megatron acquired the Heart of Cybertron, which was decimating the Autobots. He used his shrinking device to shrink himself, Bumblebee and Brawn, so they could infiltrate Megatron's body and disable the Heart of Cybertron, which he later destroyed.

In the episode "The God Gambit" Cosmos collected data in space on a potential new power source, but was attacked by Astrotrain, Thrust and Starscream. Crashing on the moon Titan, the local priests worshiped the Decepticons as "Sky Gods", but rebels were able to reactivate Cosmos and call for aid from the Autobots. Optimus Prime sent Omega Supreme with Perceptor and Jazz. Astrotrain set himself up as the chief god of the moon and forced the natives to gather energy crystals. The trip to Titan drained Omega of most of his energy, but Perceptor and Jazz were able to gather enough crystals to reactivate Omega and defeat the three Decepticons. Vowing to not let the Autobots gain the crystals, Astrotrain set up a chain reaction destroying them. The Autobots aided the natives to escape the explosion and helped them settle in another area of the moon. Perceptor appeared in "Cosmic Rust", using a special rust-proof formula on the Statue of Liberty. He was kidnapped by Decepticons to treat Megatron's hideous rusting. He diagnoses it as "Cosmic Rust", and uses some of the formula on Megatron. He himself was also infected, as well as all the Autobots. He and Wheeljack got the Matter Duplicator to duplicate the rust-proof formula, as the key ingredient was extinct. With this, the cosmic rust was gone, and the Autobots were saved.

Perceptor would continue to appear throughout season 3, acting as Rodimus Prime's scientific advisor. Perceptor was one of the known pre-1986 Autobots to survive The Transformers: The Movie, along with Jazz, Cliffjumper, Bumblebee, Blaster, Cosmos, Seaspray, Beachcomber, Warpath, Powerglide, Omega Supreme, the Aerialbots, the Protectobots, and the Dinobots. His role as chief Autobot scientist meant he could be used instead of either Ratchet and Wheeljack, whose toys had been discontinued; both being killed off in Transformers: The Movie.

In episode 78, "Madman's Paradise", Spike and Carly hosted a banquet for a visiting ambassador. Daniel got bored and wandered off. Grimlock followed him, and they fell into a lost chamber where Quintessons banished their criminals to other dimensions. They slipped through to the sorcerous other-dimensional realm of Menonia, and were tricked into fighting on the Red Wizard's side, only to find out that he was the Quintesson criminal, who overthrew the Golden One. Ultra Magnus, Blaster, Eject, Rewind, Ramhorn, and Steeljaw followed, and using Blaster's amplification, they help the Golden One defeat the Red Wizard. With the help of Perceptor, the Autobots and Daniel are returned to Cybertron.

Perceptor last appeared in episode 93, "The Face of Ninjika". Battling over a Quadrant Lock Disc, Autobot, Decepticon, and Quintesson forces cross a rip in space and become trapped there, landing on the planet Zimojin. An inhabitant named Katsudan removes Perceptor's Autobot sigil and uses it as the head and face for an ancient robot named Ninjika, explaining it resembles the missing face of this broken defender.

Transformers: Victory

Perceptor made an appearance in 1989, in Transformers: Victory in Japan. Wheeljack, along with Perceptor and Minerva were called upon to save God Ginrai, who they converted into Victory Leo.


Fun Publications

Perceptor appeared in Solar Requiem, where he is seen meeting the native Decepticons of Shattered Glass Cybertron.[2]


  • Generation 1 Perceptor (1985)


Transformers: Armada

Transformers: Animated

Transformers: Fall of Cybertron


  1. Transformers Season Two Box Set, Part 1 by Brian Cirulnick, February 2003
  2. Jesse Wittenrich (2013). Solar Requiem. Illustrator Hidetsugu Yoshioka. Fun Publications. 

External links

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