Hacker (Centurions)

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Centurions character
Hacker toy box
First appearance

The Centurions, episode 1, "The Sky Is On Fire"
Created by

Voiced by

Ed Gilbert
Species Human cyborg



Dr. Terror's Henchman

"Destruction is my evil aim."

Hacker is a fictional character from the Centurions series in 1986. He was voiced by Ed Gilbert.


Hacker is a cyborg and the henchman of Dr. Terror. According to Terror, Hacker's cyborg strength is 100 times that of his human form. His helmet allows him to breath under water.

Hacker is usually seen combined with Lesion, although he can combine with Syntax, a Doom Drones Strafer or a Doom Drones Traumitizer.


Hacker was first developed under the name Half Mad[1]


Fictional biography

Hacker is the evil Dr. Terror's brutally strong henchman. Half man, half evil computer, Hacker is programmed to destroy the Centurions...

Animated series

Hacker was the henchman of The Centurions animated series, and appeared in nearly every episode.

Hacker before becoming a cyborg

Hacker's origin was told in a flashback in the episode "Man or Machine Part 2". Dr. Terror was once a respected member of a council of scientists who worked to make the world a better place. He in particular sought to explore the potential for merging humans with machines (cyborgs) in order to replace lost limbs and combat immobilizing diseases. The others on the council did not share his enthusiasm, some due to fear and others due to conflicting interests. After being stymied for so long the doctor sought to prove the worth of his theories and inventions by turning a volunteer into a cyborg. His colleagues did not help him, rather they denied him any support at all, so he hired the dimwitted yet competent criminal Hacker to obtain the needed parts from his colleagues and then turned Hacker into the first prototype cyborg. When the two presented the results at the council, Dr. Terror was immediately removed from it for the illicit means by which he had obtained the parts and the immoral experimentation he had done with them. He was furious and returned home with Hacker. Hacker then asked the doctor to reverse the mechanization, which he could not. In a fit of rage Hacker attacked the equipment in the lab, which ended up breaking off and severely injured him. Needless to say, the doctor was dying, but Hacker managed to save his life by making use of the same equipment that had turned him into a cyborg. What emerged from the operation was less human than Hacker, horribly disfigured and hellbent on avenging himself on the world, the new Dr. Terror started preparing to conquer the ungrateful inhabitants of Earth. His fury was further fueled by the use of his technologies in the medical fields and their later use in creating the exoskeletal suits for his nemeses, the Centurions.

In episode 1, "The Sky Is On Fire", Doctor Terror sent Hacker and several Doom Drones Traumatizers to sneak into the Oceania Research Station about the time it was being visited by the Centurions to observe a powerful cryogenic freeze ray. Thanks for help from Amber, who was disguised as the admiral's assistant Susan Smith, they stole the ray. Even with the help of the Wild Weasel, Sky Knight and Cruiser Assault Weapons Systems the evil Hacker and amber escaped with the ray in submarines. Doctor Terror then launched a fleet of Doom Drones Strafers equipped with plasma warheads to ignite the Val Allen belt. The resulting magnetic storm knocked the aircraft carrying the Centurions out of the sky and into the ocean. They were saved when Skyvault beamed Max Tidal Blast, and he was able to carry the wrecked plan to New York City. Doctor Terror issued an ultimatum that unless the world delivered a document of surrender to him within 12 hours he would not use the ray to save the world. The World Council voted to submit to Terror's plan, but it was delivered by Max Ray on Terror's skyship, disguised as the World Council president. When Terror learned Max's identity he dropped Max out of the ship. Although the Centurions lost Terror, Max theorized that would could find Terror by calculating the perfect location for the ray to be fired, which Crystal calculated to be the mountains of Tibet. When the Centurions arrived they were greeted by Hacker and Terror, who took their wrist communicators and imprisoned the Centurions. Max used wire from his bed springs to conduct lightning and knock down the door on their cell. The Centurions were able to get to a communications counsel and sent off a signal to Skyvault just as they were discovered. Crystal sent them Cruiser, Sky Knight and Fireforce. With the Centurions gaining the upper hand, Terror, Hacker and Amber escaped in a secret tunnel and set the mountain to explode behind them. Escaping with the ray, Ace used Orbital Interceptor to fly into the belt and used it's own evergy to power the way that put out the fire. Jake then celebrated by making his famous chili. Ace celebrated by doing an educational video on Saturn's rings.

In episode 15, "Cold Calculations", Dr. Terror attempted to steal the last of the world's silver supplies from Geneva by having his daughter Amber make a costume that looked like Jake Rockwell in Fireforce and attack the silver vault with Hacker and a several Doom Drones. He then attempted to kill his inside man in Geneva using a robot sea serpent. The Centurions stopped the robot serpent, thwarted the theft and cleared Jake's name.


In the DC Comics Centurions story "Time Bomb" Dr. Terror attempted to trick the Centurions by having them take a bomb, disguised as a recovered a cyborg Eskimo, to Sky Vault. Terror attempted to distract the Centurions by having them chase three fake missiles across the globe. Ace McCloud beamed to China where he fought a flying aircraft carrier full of Doom Drone Strafers. Jake Rockwell beamed to Africa where he fought a robot duplicate of Hacker. Max Ray followed a missile to Lake Michigan. Eventually Max saw through this trick at the last moment and beamed the Eskimo into deep space before he exploded.[2]


  • Kenner Centurions Hacker (1986)
Hacker come with Lesion, 4-piece Destructo Arm and helmet.
Hacker can combine with Syntax, the Doom Drones Strafer or the Doom Drones Traumatizer.
Lesion can combine Dr. Terror, the Doom Drones Strafer, the Doom Drones Traumatizer or with Syntax to form Uniborg.



  1. https://centurions1986.wordpress.com/2014/07/
  2. Bob Rozakis (w), Don Heck & Al Vey (p), Tom Ziuko (col), Jonathan Peterson (ed). "Time Bomb" The Centurions 1 (June 1987), DC Comics

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