Tactical Officer

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Tactical Officer
Third party Transformer character
Tactical Officer Hyper Mode toy
Release number

JB-02, JB-02B
Species Transformer

Shapeshifting, superhuman durability, superhuman strength
Alternate mode

Boom box/head

Tactical Officer is a fictional character made by Junkion Blacksmith as a third party Transformer. He is a homage to the Transformer Soundwave and Transformers Headmasters sub-line.


Tactical Officer is probably an officer in charge of tactics.

Tactical Officer is a Headmaster who also transforms into a boom box. He resembles Soundwave.

Note: Other third party Transformers inspired by Soundwave include Sonicron.


  • Junkion Blacksmith JB-02 Tactical Officer (2010)
An original third party Transformer mold. He comes packaged with a small connector which allows him to become the head of other Junkion Blacksmith Headmasters. When placed in a 1987 Headmaster the chest displays SPD 6, STR 7, INT 8. This toy was remolded into Broad Caster.
  • Junkion Blacksmith JB-02B Tactical Officer Hyper Mode (2010)
A recolor of the JB-02 Tactical Officer in black, meant to resemble Soundwave's upgraded form, Soundblaster.


External links