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GoBots character
GoBots Grungy box
Created by

Release number

Species GoBot
Occupation Renegade Armored Robot


Renegade GoBot
Alternate mode

Jet and four power suits

Grungy is a fictional character from the GoBots series introduced in 1985.



Grungy was chosen as the 3rd goofiest GoBot name by Topless Robot in 2010.[1]

Fictional biography

{{quote|Four Renegade Power Suits, and the Renegade Powersuit Spaceship assemble to produce the evil Power Warrior, Grungy!

Earth trembles under the shocking force of GoBotron's newest surprises: Power Warriors! Guardian Power Warrior, Courageous, assembles with Leader-1 commanding inside the armored chest, while four top guardian soldiers enter each protective Power Suit. The friendly Gobots immediately begin their enemy location search using the Power Suits information gathering skills: telescopic sight, keen hearing, super-sense touch, and sharp smell. However, the menacing form of Power Warrior, Grungy, looms evilly in the distance, with Cy-Kill encase within his armored chest. Four Renegade henchmen work inside Grungy's Power Suits, using the spy-sight, eavesdrops, hearing, razor-sharp touch and tracking smell to locate their foes.

The fight goes on as each side looks for the weak points that will mean the other's defeat. Power Warriors may be the ones to finish the battle, but the question remains-who will be the winner?


Grungy appeared in the Transformers: Renegade Rhetoric episode #17 "Coup de Grunge". A Renegade assault on the Guardian communication hub was repulsed by Courageous, putting Cy-Kill in a foul mood. He vented his frustration on several of his men, which backfired shortly thereafter when the Master Renegade made a bid for leadership. He offered the Renegades four Power Suits and the ability to form their own combiner. Loco, Fly Trap, Screw Head, and Spoiler took him up on his offer and imprisoned Cy-Kill and Cop-Tur. The Renegades assaulted the GoBotron Fortress protecting GoBotron's capital, GoBotolis. Their combined form was defeated by Courageous when the Master Renegade and Loco argued about who should control the giant form. The Guardians derisively nicknamed the combiner "Grungy". The Renegades returned to Rogue Star, only to find Cy-Kill free. The Master Renegade escaped with his ship, but not before Spoiler had managed a full scan of it. Dr. Go was confident that, not only could he duplicate it, he could improve upon it.[2]


  • GoBots Grungy (1985)
This toy shared a mold with Courageous and was to be remolded into the unreleased Nemesis.


  2. "Coup de Grunge". Written by Jim Sorenson. Transformers: Renegade Rhetoric. September 26, 1986/October 20th, 2015. No. 17, season 1.

External links

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