Convocation of Bassylia

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The Convocation of Bassylia one of the legions in the Mythic Legions fictional setting.

Mythic Legions


Masters of the magical arts, these warriors were assembled to combat the evil that lies at the very center of the Circle of Poxxus. The Convocation are the most mysterious of all the heroic armies, and they are sometimes feared by the very ones they seek to protect.

The ancient Dragons of Mythoss are legendary creatures that are revered and even worshiped in some circles. Over the centuries there have been countless subraces and offshoots of these ancient beasts, with the Dragosyr being the most renowned. Like their Dragon cousins, these mystical beings have close ties to otherworldly energies which often steer these towering warriors toward magical practices. Like many of his noble brethren before him, the valiant champion Aracagorr has pledged his fiery sword to the Convocation of Bassylia in hopes of eradicating the threat of Poxxus.
  • B'alam (ML2, Heroic Male Jaguallian Mage)
With direct ties to the great beasts of the first age, B'Alam has ancient magic coursing through his veins. Coupled with the ability to speak to and harness the power of the animals around him, his abilities are as all-encompassing and diverse as the wildlife of Mythoss itself. Along with Jorund Runeshaper and the High Council of Bassylia, B'Alam has been instrumental in building the ever-growing mystical force that emanates from a magical stronghold high atop the Evergray Mountains.
A half-orc from a small valley on the Eastern Coasts of Xylernia, Gasspparr has dedicated his life to finding peace and achieving enlightenment. He has worked tirelessly to harden his mind and his body, yet two weaknesses have kept him from achieving the enlightenment he seeks. The first of these weaknesses is his affinity for small, useless playthings which he finds and collects. The second is his unexplainable attachment to the exuberant blademaster who travels by his side.


  • Ravaena (ML2, Female Human Relic Hunter)
The only survivor of an attack on her small village by Vorgus Vermillius the vampiric wearer of the Blood Armor, Ravaena was taken in as a young child by a sect loyal to the Order of Eathyron and trained as a cleric. Vowing vengeance against the Blood Armor and willing to use controversial means to obtain the relics she believes she needs to defeat it, she was ultimately exiled from the order. She later became a member of the Convocation of Bassylia, where she continues her quest undeterred.
As the high priestess and arch-mage of the Convocation of Bassylia, Herra Serpenspire is as enigmatic as the faction she leads. A guild dedicated to suppressing the Circle of Poxxus, the Convocation’s powerful and ancient magic is mysterious and frightening to both good and evil alike. Despite Herra’s stoic demeanor and intimidating presence, her compassion and empathy form the foundation her faction is built upon. Possessed of mystical powers that are possibly greater than those of any other living being, Herra Serpenspire is one of the most powerful allies in the fight against evil.
Facebook mentions her namesake staff through which she focuses her powerful energies - the Serpenspire!
Like most members of The Convocation of Bassylia, Azza Spiritbender is shrouded in mystery. Her power to control and harness the spirits of the dead not only makes her a dangerous asset, but also an anomaly in The Convocation where all forms of necromancy are generally frowned upon. Even her closest allies are at a loss as to her origins, as to where she learned her magic, or the meanings behind the cryptic markings that cover her skin. One thing that Convocation members are most certain of is that they are better off with Azza as an ally rather than an enemy.
Facebook describes her as a "spel-caster".



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