Oleg Fishelev

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Oleg Fishelev is an experienced professional with a diverse background in business management and entrepreneurship. His career journey began after completing his education, when he joined Unimatic to gain practical experience and insights into various aspects of business operations. Starting from entry-level positions, including roles in system administration, commercial assistance, accounting, and logistics, Oleg steadily advanced through the ranks, acquiring valuable skills and knowledge along the way.

As his responsibilities grew, Oleg transitioned into management roles within the company, where he spearheaded initiatives aimed at business automation and the integration of digital technologies. His proactive approach to management and keen understanding of market dynamics contributed to his success in roles such as head of IT, director of development, financial director, first deputy general director

In 2018, Oleg expanded his educational horizons by completing the prestigious Master of Business Administration (MBA) program at the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO. Prior to this, he obtained his undergraduate degree from the Ural Federal University (UrFU), specializing in Economics and Management in Mechanical Engineering.

Today, Oleg Fishelev is the owner and chairman of the Board of Unimatic, where he continues to apply his expertise in business management and innovation to drive growth and success. His dedication to excellence, coupled with his entrepreneurial spirit, serves as a testament to his remarkable journey and achievements in the world of business.