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Industry Decentralized Finance
Founded August 2023

Chainverge is a pioneering project in the blockchain and cryptocurrency domain, seamlessly integrating the realms of decentralized finance (DeFi), gaming, and decentralized autonomous organizations (DAO). With a focus on community-driven governance and innovative product offerings, Chainverge aims to redefine the digital value landscape.


Chainverge was founded in 2023 by a decentralized development group, with the vision of creating a holistic ecosystem that blends the thrill of gaming with the financial potential of DeFi. Since its inception, the project has garnered attention for its unique approach to blockchain integration in gaming and finance.


  • Token Name: Chainverge
  • Token Shortcut: CVE
  • Token Supply: 100,000,000
  • Blockchain: Binance Smart Chain
  • Transaction Fees: 1% (0.5% Burn, 0.5% Coinsafe)

Products and Offerings

  1. Staking Platform: Chainverge offers a dynamic staking platform, allowing CVE token holders to earn rewards with tiered staking weights and an impressive APY of up to 102%.
  1. Gaming - 'Primus': A flagship multiplayer survival game, 'Primus' immerses players in a vast world where they must fend off zombies, gather resources, and strategize for survival.
  1. NFT Collection: Chainverge's NFTs are integrated into its gaming universe, serving both as in-game assets and valuable collectibles in the broader NFT marketplace.
  1. DeFi Products: The Chainverge Bridge Aggregator ensures seamless crypto transactions across networks, while the upcoming Vergebot promises to revolutionize trading.

Governance and Community

Chainverge operates with a DAO structure, emphasizing community-driven governance. Token holders can submit proposals, vote on platform decisions, and actively shape the project's direction.

Future Prospects

With a roadmap that includes the development of more games, DeFi products, and community engagement initiatives, Chainverge is poised for significant growth in the blockchain space.

See Also:

External Links: