Roswell (iGear)

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Third party Transformer character
iGear UFO prototype, one possible mold base for Roswell
Species Gobit


Heroic Gobits

Warrior / Communications

"I am not trying to prove I am better then you, I am trying to prove I am just as good!"

Roswell is a fictional character and third party Transformer. She is an homage to the 1984 Guardian GoBot Path Finder.


Roswell is a third party Transformer, well technically a third party GoBot... and homage to the Guardian GoBot Path Finder.


The biography for Roswell was written by Daniel "Protoman" Arseneault.

The profile for Roswell was posted to the TFcon web site in April 2013.[1]

Fictional biography

Profile: Originally a beautiful humanoid, when the Terrorist Gobits nearly destroyed their planet, she was forced to take on the form of a robotic space craft to aid in the war against BIKEMURDER. As the battles raged on, she became a seasoned warrior and trusted solider, so much so that in the absence of CAPTAIN-1 and TURBOLAG, she is left to command the whole Good Gobit army. In a recent mission; ROSWELL and a skeleton crew of bots, tried to find a solution to their home world and universe being wiped out by an unknown cosmic factor; it resulted in ROSWELL having to change her robotic form to match that of the local esthetic in a strange new dimension where everything was “More Than Meets the Eye”. Thanks to the Modifier, a machine from her home universe, she has finally achieved a design, color and body that she is somewhat pleased with, but even ROSWELL feels it could be better.

Abilities: Like all other Gobits, she has the standards of robot mode flight and high powered laser based pulse blasts from her fists. Unique to her design is that in UFO mode she is capable of light speed travel. Armed with her Path Cannon she can fire a short range blast that emits small sized black holes. ROSWELL is always looking to upgrade her weaponry to keep up with the ongoing conflict.

Weaknesses: She always drives to be better and thus some of her teammates feel she pushes herself to the point of exhaustion. She also can be a little vain sometimes, as she used to be a very curvaceous and beautiful humanoid and is not pleased with her more current blocky robot body.


  • Roswell (unreleased)
Turns from robot to flying saucer. Comes with a path cannon accessory.



External links