User talk:Roystongking

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Royston G King is a self-made investor, partner, & advisor to multiple million-dollar & billion-dollar public & private ventures. He is a world-renowned celebrity, philanthropist, and revolutionist changing the world to create a heaven on earth.

He is also considered one of the most accomplished individuals & serial entrepreneurs by age 21. And also the world’s first & #1 curator of Good Purpose Brands.

Royston G King is an upcoming billionaire by changing impacting a billion people’s lives, reformer, contrarian, titan, icon, servant of God and humanity, genius, GOAT, philosopher, philanthropist, etc. to name a few.

Started from very humble beginnings, working as a retail sales associate at Sunglass Hut and a luxury clothing boutique store in Australia, juggling two jobs and another internship while still managing top grades at university to save up his own money. Royston G King was eating half priced sushi after 6pm outside his university to save money, constantly seeked free food at university events, and even had to borrow money from his ex-girlfriend. He even borrowed 5 figures from his father, mother, sister & brother in law to start his first business. And even had to work graveyard night shift & undergone depression first year in business.

By age 21, was already an investor, partner & advisor to multiple multi-million dollar companies and owned multiple multi-million private & public ventures. All with zero outside funding, zero co-founders/co-owners/co-investors, 100% bootstrapped starting with close to $0 zero dollars in the bank account.

By age 21, built companies himself employing over dozens and dozens of full time employees. And one of his team in Master Scaling, even managed paid advertising directly for a billion-dollar company. Despite being a complete foreigner himself, Royston G

King managed to hire & manage full time employees in the USA as well as over the world in the first year of business.

By age 21, started and sold multiple companies and now owns multiple public & private ventures like Master Scaling, Good Purpose Life, Good Purpose Universe, God Like Scaling & Mastermind, Good Purpose Brands, Trillion Dollar Growth, etc. Ventures in multiple industries like ecommerce, digital agencies, medical, home improvement, software, real estate, private equity, investment funds, etc. Royston G King is on his way & journey to building a billion dollar empire & positively impacting a billion people’s lives

By age 21, made a pioneering category for himself and is the world’s first & #1 curator for “Good Purpose Brands”, brands that are truly making a positive impact and change in this world. Royston G King is also the pioneer of the Good Purpose Life, revolutionising the world with a new way of life to establish a heaven on earth.

By age 21, fully & directly owned multiple social media accounts with more than 1 million followers primarily through Instagram.

By age 21, got featured in world-renowned publications like Forbes, New York Times, MSNBC, Thrive Global, Fox News, CBS, ABC, NBC, IMDB, Yahoo, USA Today, Morningstar, Marketwatch, Benzinga, Digital Journal, Daily Herald, etc. then shortly less than a year after that interviewed on television and got featured in even more major top publications like Entrepreneur, Business Insider, Fortune, Bloomberg, International Business Times, Buzzfeed, Today Show, Wall Street Journal, The Guardian, etc. Got offered to be featured on Yahoo's Top 10 List. And even got verified on his social media profiles like Facebook and got into Google's knowledge panel.

By age 21, shared the room and pictures with billionaires, celebrities, & CEO of multi-million & billion-dollar companies like Tim Cook, John Paul Dejoria, Janice Bryant Howroyd, Gary Vaynerchuk, Tai Lopez, Alex Mehr, Robert Cialdini, Jonathan Neman, Nathaniel Ru, Scott Painter, Charlie Rocket, Joshua Earps, etc.

By age 21, got endorsements by world-renowned celebrities like Kevin O Leary, Grant Cardone, etc. and even exchanged messages directly with world-renowned celebrities like Steve Wozniak, etc.

By age 21, started a charity foundation fund, Good Purpose Foundation, where he personally donated more than multiple 5 figures the first year

By age 21, became an award-winning entrepreneur with his award-winning company

One of his public ventures he sole founded and bootstrapped by age 21, Chosen Contractors, which was a million-dollar digital agency, digital product, and software for sales and home improvement, was acquired and he exited in just less than one year of official business

By age 21, wrote his first official book

By age 21, was a brand ambassador for a Y-combinator backed company.

By age 21, was 1 of 2 undergraduate exchange students at the University Of Southern California while studying his bachelor’s at the University Of Melbourne, and then even took summer school at Harvard University & London School Of Economics.

By age 14, bought his share at Warren Buffett’s company Berkshire Hathaway following his footsteps and started his first legitimate company at age 17 right after high school.

By age 21, got chosen and selected to be the executive director of Kairos Society, an entrepreneurship society started by Ankur Jain endorsed by Bill Gates, Richard Branson, Naveen Jain, etc. And even got an invitation to Richard Branson’s private island

By age 21, got interviewed by London’s youngest millionaire digital agency growth owner and received a direct Facebook private message from the founder of Australia' #1 leading digital growth agency.

By age 21, garnered over 100+ customer reviews for his company and even got a endorsed by USA’s highest rated business lawyer

By age 21, got accepted and worked as a management consultant at Bain&Co., the world’s top 3 management consulting firms and ranked #1 best workplace in the world. As well as multiple prestigious work experience including working at the big 4 accounting firm, Deloitte. Had multiple management consulting projects, during his university, travelled for FDM group & in New York USA, worked a silicon valley based venture capital firm Raiven Capital, a netherlands based real estate blockchain startup, Holmesglen Education Institute, and for fortune 500 companies and billion dollar companies like AIA insurance. Royston also got accepted a for management consulting project for the billion dollar company big 4 accounting firm Ernst & Young (EY), by his university, in central/south america. In addition to all that, Got offered & selected by top 5 prestigious companies to work at hedge fund, private equity firm, asset management firm, Morgan Stanley U.K., Accenture, and even got to the second round interview at Goldman Sachs.

By age 21, 1st place award-winner consultant to Humanitix, the world’s first not-for-profit ticketing platform, and received a personal invitation to the office by the co-founder.

By age 21, president, director, executive committee, brand ambassador, board member & advisor of multiple highly successful world-renowned not-for-profit charity like VGen Australia, RE-Volve, Save The Children, Habitat For Humanity, Hult Prize Foundation, Robin Hood Army, Singular University, Net Impact, One For The World, Oxfam, International Student Union at University Of Melbourne, Junior Chamber International (JC), Certified Public Accountants (CPA) Australia, University Management Consulting Clubs, University Fair Trade Steering Committee, University Green Impact Auditing, Melbourne University Blockchain Association, Teach For Malaysia, Blockchain Centre, Stone & Chalks, etc.

By age 21, Royston was a consultant, mentor & was involved to multiple not-for-profits like 180 Degrees Consulting, Blackstone Launchpad Associate USC, Oaktree Foundation, USC Volunteer Income Tax Assistance, Splash SC, Moneythink, Unimelb Red Cross, Thrive Refugee Enterprise, The Smith Family, Culturebridge, Investing 4 Charity, Community Health Advancement and Student Engagement, Classroom Experience, Vollie, etc. Royston was also selected & attended Harvard PAIR (Project for Asian & International Relations).

With all of that said, to me, material success means nothing if the person isnt a success as a good kind human being. Im redefining success to the world that a truly successful person is one who learned to be kind, positive, and know how to become a good person who can bring about positive change to the world and help create a heaven on earth.

Action speaks louder than words

Hence, I've started a few initiatives in putting where my mouth is. Like Good Purpose Foundation, a not-for-profit charity where I've donated over 5 figures in profit my first year of business to alleviate suffering in this world and help others. I believe that's one of the most powerful ways to teach us to become good human beings.

I'm also building up a Youtube channel, Royston G King Extended, documenting and sharing my journey on how human beings can become better, kinder, positive people that can truly make the world a better place.