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Shri Guru Pramatma was born in Delhi. He belonged to a lower middle class family and did his schooling from government school called Tent Wala School. He was known as Vipin in school. After completing his high school, he did a diploma course in Television and Audio Video. In 1984 he got his first job in Delhi and his salary was Rs 140/- per month. Since this salary was not enough for survival, he did a part time job along with his regular job to earn some extra penny. Along with his job, he enrolled himself in DU for some correspondence course. After clearing his 2nd year, unfortunately he had to discontinue with his education.


In 1989, Parmatma started his own business, he established a manufacturing unit of Colour T.V. In 1997, he even involved in the manufacturing unit of Photo Framing. In the year of 2000, Parmatma left his parent’s house along with his Wife, daughter and a two and a half year old son. He did not take a single penny from his parents, neither did he ask for any share from his parental property. He came to Delhi NCR and borrowed 40,000/- rupees from his friend Mr. Deepak Sharma, and took a loan of 5 lac rupees from bank. With this money he bought a flat at Delhi NCR worth rupees 5.40 lac. Shri Guru Parmatma was a dedicated man, and he followed the proverb “Where there is a will, there is a way”. Keeping this philosophy in mind intact he started everything from ground once again. With zero cash in hand, he started a new business of providing human resource for cleaning services. He took AMC from shops, farmhouse, kothi etc. He worked hard for his clients and soon settled his business. He made a good reputation and earned a huge amount of money, with this money he bought a land in Vrindavan and built his first Spiritual Asharam on that land. This ashram was ready by 2008. Simultaneously he bought one more huge land in Allahabad along the bank of Ganges for social cause.

HIS SOCIAL WORK Parmatma had also registered two NGO in the named “Vedvyas Foundation”and“Woman Organization for Rural Livelihood and Development”.


In this spiritual journey from 1990 to today, Parmatma gained a lot of devotional knowledge. He even wrote 8-10 holy books. During this holy journey he met lot of Saints and spiritual people from Vrindavan, Hare Krishna movement and even Rishikesh Gyan Marg. Parmatma also read some Books from Geeta Press, Akahndanand, Kinker, Ram Chandra Dogrey, Tilak, Shanker, Ramanuj, Vivekanand, Buddha etc. helped Parmatma understand the spirituality well and gain knowledge.


On one fine day of the year 2015, Parmatma met a man randomly who called himself to be a Saint. Few days later Parmatma realized that, that random man has hypnotized him and ruined his life and his family as well. Parmatma came to know that, that random man is no saint; instead he is a Tantric, Aghoori, or Vam Margi Sadhak who has some negative energy. Tantric took a complete advantage of his hypnotism and took enough money from Parmatma and even married his daughter with that money. Not only this, the aghoori Tantric even hypnotized Parmatma’s son.

In 2018, somehow Parmatma managed to come out of hypnotism, but sadly realized that his son and his son’s nos of younger friends has been badly trapped in their hypnotism and is now willing to learn Tantra Vidhya, Samshan Kriya and KalaJadu etc. The Tantric & his Pandas some name tiwari, jain and sharmas have threatened theses younger guys on the fear of hell because of which these guys refused to leave them. Parmatma tried his best to rescue these guys from their trap but all was in vain because these guys was totally in their control.


This incident was a turning point of his life; from that day onwards Parmatma decided that he would provide the real spiritual knowledge and Budhatva Marg to the innocent people. Soon he learned that the Mandir Pujari, Dharam Guru, Tantric Yog Guru, Sadhus and Sanyasis have misguided the innocent people just for the sake of money.


In between 1989 to 2015, Parmatma had an extremely successful business where he earned huge amount of money and lead a lavishing life. During those times he owned BMW & Mercedes and many other luxurious cars, wore diamond rings and exquisite jewelry, expensive watches, not only this he even owned a huge flat in Delhi NCR. During his lavish life he always thought of Moksh and Mukti, he even believed in god deeply. Ever since Parmatma was hypnotized by that tantric, he decided to devote his rest of the life to the positive side of the spiritual World; he started giving lecture on spiritual knowledge so that he can spread the real Dharam Gyan and true meaning of Moksh, Mukti and God. He completely shifted from a lavish life to real spiritual life. His mission was not to teach any religion, but to create awareness in every human’s mind regarding the true spiritual knowledge.

Please follow the following YouTube channel for all his lectures.


You can even surf YouTube for his channel named “PARMATMA GURU JAGTE RAHO”


His dream is to build a world in which all the people can awake spiritually.

His Dream is to build a world that is free from superstitions.

His Dream The imagination of a World that is free from superstitious.

His Dream The Imagination of The World That is Free From Superstitious.