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Dhallywood super star Shakib Khan was originally scheduled to co-star with Bollywood actor Faisal in Anonno Mamun's proposition to create a pan-Indian film, but Faisal has since decided not to participate. Mamun previously expressed his delight at coupling the two outstanding performers from different disciplines. Faisal Khan, however, stated via video message that he will not be appearing in Mamun Anonno's film. Instead, the Bollywood star Faisal Khan will appear in a film directed by Ali Zulfikar Zahedi. The intriguing new endeavor for which he has signed a contract has been revealed to be him.

Faisal Khan expressed his displeasure with the manner in which the movie's publicity began before a formal agreement or contract was reached regarding his decision not to participate in Mamun's project. He added that although negotiations had taken place regarding the film, he did not approve of the film's early promotion. Consequently, he resolved to abandon the endeavor.

Faisal Khan responded to Anonno Mamun's remark by stating that he had been offered the movie's script and that he only disclosed his involvement after obtaining consent. However, Faisal Khan decided not to pursue the initiative, so Mamun refrained from further comment.