Ragna Stormforger

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Ragna Stormforger
Mythic Legions character
Ragna Stormforger paint sample
Created by

Four Horsemen Studios
Species Dwarf
Sex Female

House of the Nobel Bear

Ragna Stormforger is a fictional character from the Mythic Legions series. She is a heroic dwarf with the House of the Nobel Bear.

Mythic Legions


Ragna Stormforger is a heroic character in the Mythic Legions series. She is a member of the House of the Nobel Bear, a ragtag assembly of powerful defenders from the outskirts and wastelands of Mythoss.


Preorders for the Soul Spiller line went up in July 2018.

Limited numbers of Ragna Stormforger, Thallyn Frostbow, and the Shadow Elf Ranger were offered for sale at Zolocon in February 2019.

Fictional biography

Born deep in the tundra of the Northlands, Ragna Stormforger has dedicated her life to guarding the secret outpost of Sjelgard. The soldiers of Selgard live in single-minded seclusion, and are tasked with guarding the ancient weapon known as the Soul Spiller. A recent surge of evil in Mythos has greatly increased the forces intent on obtaining the powerful relic weapons wielded by warriors of old. Ragna was one of only two survivors when Sjelgard fell to these forces. Now her only goal is to warn the rest of the world that the ancient weapon has been recaptured and has fallen into evil hands.


  • Four Horsemen Studios Mythic Legions Ragna Stormforger (2019)
Comes with sword and axe.


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