Najeeb Ahmad

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Italic textNajeeb Ahmad: A Srinagar based Student aspiring to do social service Najeeb Ahmad is a student who hails from Srinagar, he is well known for his volunteerism and enthusiasm about Martial Arts and Social Work. Najeeb is a part of many international organizations like Ehsaas Trust International, International Tiger Martial Arts Club, and he is a board member of the International Development Consortium. He has received many felicitations for his work during the first wave of Covid-19 in Kashmir, he was felicitated by high-ranking officials in 2020. Recently, he was felicitated by Actor-Director Mir Sarwar and director of Ehsaas Trust Hakim Mohammad Ilyas for his work in Martial Arts. Najeeb has plans to start his organization where he wants to uplift the society through the promotion of local and foreign arts. He has named his organisation the “International Development Consortium” or IDC. His experience in volunteering for humanitarian causes has inspired him to always keep going. In an interview with Najeeb Ahmad, he told us that he has been obliged to open an organisation for the sake of development and service of mankind.

He, along with Mr. Mohsin Khan is planning to conduct the International Day of Peace in Srinagar for the upcoming years, an event that was previously conducted by Kashmir Peace Network. Najeeb has witnessed a lot of development in volunteerism and spirit of working for others, he adds “I have never witnessed such an enthusiasm before, I am working at Ehsaas International and during the first and 2nd wave of Covid-19, we had no stable sleep routines, we worked without checking the time on the clock and it didn’t matter if we skipped our regular meals, we were literally producing thousands of PPEs daily. During the first wave, nobody would even dare to open their window if there was an ambulance passing by.

We literally didn’t care and were visiting quarantine centers and hospitals on a regular basis. We had isolated ourselves from our family and we worked at least 70 hours a week.” Being a citizen of Kashmir, Najeeb is very passionate about arts and crafts, he has had an inclination towards Kashmiri literature ever since he was in 2nd grade. He also has plans to promote Kashmiri language and literature among the youth, for which he told us about his plans of conducting events regarding promotion of Kashmiri language, he adds “It feels like we have abandoned our own mother tongue, we were supposed to use and nurture it and use it on a regular basis, but some strange notions prevent us from doing so, feeling embarrassed to speak Kashmiri is one of them, If we look at other developed nations like Japan and China, we can see how they have preserved their language and have made it an integral part of their culture. We should try as much as we can to avoid abandoning our own culture and language for the sake of looking modern or western” Najeeb has been an asset to the society and to his dear ones, we hope he continues to do things that promote the well-being of the society.