Jensen Ambachen

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Native name Jensen Ambachen
Nationality American
Occupation Real Estate Attorney

Jensen Ambachen lives in East Meadow with his wife and 2 children for over 15 years. He is a volunteer and community member. As the son of immigrant parents, Jensen took the guidance he received from his teachers and others to get a good education and give back to the community. Jensen Ambachen was the first in his family to attend college at Stony Brook University and then St. John’s Law School.

Jensen Ambachen is currently a real estate attorney with the Metropolitan Transportation Authority in New York City. His professional life has primarily been devoted to public service with senior attorney roles at the NYS Attorney General’s Office, the School Construction Authority, and the Buildings Department.

In 2020, the Nassau County Legislature appointed Jensen Ambachen to the Nassau County Council of Asian Affairs Board where he currently serves as a liaison between the county government and the south Asian community to ensure all communities are afforded equal opportunities and meaningful engagement with local government. In 2022, Jensen launched a campaign for a seat on the East Meadow School Board that was not successful but was extremely informative and helpful to ascertain the needs of the school district. Jensen remains a committee person for the local republican club.