How to Identify an Underground Water Leak

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Finding an underground leak before it gets out of hand can save you plenty of wasted water, money, and stress. It may seem difficult to find a hidden leak as it is not visible to the eye, but you don't have to worry with expert plumbers in Fort Lauderdale. The professionals at Broward Plumbing are highly experienced in underground water leak detection and have top-of-the-line technology and equipment to complete the job.

Read on to learn more about how to identify an underground water leak.

Signs You Have an Underground Water Leak

It's essential to pay attention to the signs of water leaks so that you have the best chance of catching them quickly. Underground water leaks can happen inside or outside of your home, and leaks can wreak havoc on your home when left unnoticed.

Inside Underground Leak:

  • Noticeable change in water pressure
  • Splashing or hissing noises
  • Dirty water
  • Mold
  • Water-loving insects in your home (earwigs, centipedes/millipedes, cockroaches & silverfish, etc.)
  • Musty or sewage smell
  • Increased water bill without any alteration in household water use

Outside Underground Leak:

  • Puddles or wet spots on your lawn
  • Sewage odors
  • One area of your yard is greener than others
  • Steadily increased water bill without alteration in water use

Since outdoor underground leaks can be found under grasses, driveways, or deep below the surface, it can be tough to know if you have a leak. Contacting expert plumbers in Fort Lauderdale for water leak detection is essential to determine if your home is free of leaks or water damage. If you suspect any underground water leaks, contact the experts at Broward Plumbing for water leak detection in Broward County or surrounding areas.

Steps For Finding Underground Water Leaks

It can be challenging to find underground water leaks, especially if you're not a professional. It can be easy to push some signs to the side as they may seem insignificant but be prepared to experience malfunctions and your water bill increase. Below are some steps you can take before calling a professional plumber in Fort Lauderdale.

Check Your Water Meter: The first thing you should do when you suspect a leak is to check your water meter for water usage. You can do this by shutting your main water valve off and ensuring no water is running in your home. Find the leak indicator (often a tiny red, white, or blue triangle) and see if it is spinning. If it's turning, it indicates that you may have an underground leak. If your meter doesn't have a leak indicator, mark the current meter reading, leave the valve off for 30 minutes to 1 hour, then go back and recheck the meter. If the reading changes, it's a high possibility that you have a leak underground.

Compare Your Utility Bills: Since underground leaks are challenging to find, one of the easiest ways to see if you could have a leak is by comparing your utility bills. If you notice that your bills are gradually increasing or fluctuating with no changes in your household water usage, this is a sign that there could be a leak. To be sure, reach out to the professionals at Broward Plumbing for a thorough water leak detection and report.