Athodyd Cacophony Vertikill

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Athodyd Cacophony Vertikill
Athodyd Cacophony Vertikill box
Universe iGear fictional universe
Founded 2014
Key people Athodyd Cacophony Vertikill

Athodyd Cacophony Vertikill is a set of fictional characters and third party Transformer homages to Generation 1 Ramjet, Dirge and Thrust created by iGear in 2014.


Athodyd Cacophony and Vertikill are third party Transformer homages to Generation 1 Ramjet, Dirge and Thrust, respectively.

Other third party Transformer homages to Thrust include Impossible Toys Boostor.


In September 2013 iGear announced new robot/jet molds designed by Cassy Sark which were based on F-22 Raptors.[1]

Fictional biography


“Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.” William Shakespeare, 1599 “You fight great, but I'm a great fighter.” Apollo Creed, 1982

There is no need for any tech-specs or statistics when Vertakill is around, he'll tell you how great he is himself, he'd have you believe he gets a perfect 10 across the board. By hiding amongst the skilled ranks of the seekers, and with his Clorhone brothers always at his side, it is easy to see how we has convinced many in both the RoCon and the RoBot armies of his abilities. As with all semi-skilled braggarts, luck played a part in Vertakill's ascension into the upper ranks of the RoCon armies, he only just passed his training after convincing his entire class that another bullied recruit was even lower on the pecking order than he was. Now he is at the top he will do anything to protect his position, as long as it doesn't require too much effort.

Unlike the experimental triumvirate of power led by Star-Burst; Vertakill and his Clorhone brothers - Athodyd and Cacophony - have no special powers or abilities outside the norm, other than elite training they received on the RoCon base on the planet Remulakan, this has elevated their reputation amongst their peers to Top Gun status.


“But that the dread of something after death, the undiscovered country, from whose bourn, no traveller returns, puzzles the will, and makes us rather bear those ills we have than fly to others that we know not of?” - Shakespeare, 1599 “Oh my god! You killed Kenny!” Stone / Parker, 1998

Cacophony stays with the RoCons for one reason, and one reason only; fear of the unknown. Bullied, unpopular and often left to fend for himself on the battlefield, Cacophony has been left for dead and written off more times than any of his comrades, yet somehow he keeps coming back, often from injuries that would fell other robots. He has spent his entire life being afraid of others, and has vowed to master this fear under the guidance of Thunder-Wrath. Unlike the experimental triumvirate of power led by Starburst; Cacophony and his Clorhone brothers - Athodyd and Vertakill - have no special powers or abilities outside the norm, other than elite training they received on the RoCon base on the planet Remulakan, this has elevated their reputation amongst their peers to Top Gun status.


“Never bend your head. Always hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye.” Helen Keller, unknown date. “But I don't want to use my head!” Rex - Toy Story 2,1999

Athodyd likes to hit things, with his head.

When he's not hitting things with his head, flying straight into his opponents is one of the few other things in this life he really enjoys. Because of these frequent heavy impacts, he doesn't necessarily fire on all cylinders any more.

Though he is a competent fighter; he has zero initiative, guile, tact and very limited comprehension - all of which made him a perfect candidate for RoCon training, as he happily did everything asked of him, even covering up for Vertakill's short-comings by fulfilling tasks not intended for him.

Unlike the experimental triumvirate of power led by Star-Burst; Athodyd and his Clorhone brothers - Cacophony and Vertakill - have no special powers or abilities outside the norm, other than elite training they received on the RoCon base on the planet Remulakan, this has elevated their reputation amongst their peers to Top Gun status.


  • iGear IG-C04 IG-C05 IG-C06 Athodyd Cacophony Vertikill (2014)
Three variatons of a new mold by iGear that turn from robots into a 1:73 scale heavily modified F-22 Raptors. Comes with stands.



External links