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BMOG Toys character
Sea-Labrys art
Created by

Species Bio-Mechanical Ordnance Gestalt
Sex Female


Alternate mode

Manta ray/a twin UV laser pistol which serves as her seat of intelligence and a solar labyrs


"Heroes are built to take bad guys apart."


Sea-Labrys is a fictional character and robot toy made by BMOG Toys 2014. She is a heroic robotic manta ray.


Sea-Labrys is a character from the BMOG (Bio-Mechanical Ordnance Gestalts) toy line. She is not an homage to any existing character, but meant to be used as either a stand-alone figure, or as accessories to any toy capable of using 5mm port accessories, such as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Transformers, Zoids Blox, and many others.


The BMOG Toys bear and manta mold was designed by Trent Troop. The axe form is inspired by the axe that comes with He-Man. The outline was first teased on the BMOG Tumblr page in October 2013.[1]

Fundraising for the BMOG Toys bear and manta mold was done through Kickstarter. The goal of raising $19,000 was surpassed by the end of the fundraising period on December 13th, 2013.

A survey of the Kickstarter members as to what color the Kickstarter exclusive bear and manta should be resulted in "action hunter" orange. This set was named Solarbear vs. Sea-Labrys. BMOG Toys designer Trent Troop has commented that the orange used for Solarbear and Sea-Labrys is similar to the "safety" orange found on Generation 1 Tyrannotron.[2]

Sea-Labrys was originally conceived as a Paraxxoid named Pick-Slaughter, but the character was changed to be an Augmentoid.

Sea-Labrys was officially announced as a co-sell on the package art for Ursenal and Mant-Axe in April 2014.

Solarbear and Sea-Labrys were released in August 2014. The package included stickers to make Sea-Labrys into Pick-Slaughter.


The Retro Robot Radio podcast for May 3rd, 2014 mentioned Mant-Axe, Pick-Slaughter, Sea-Labrys and Ursenal in the news.[3]

Fictional biography

The heroic Sea-Labrys was brought to life when weapons made by a group of evil interdimensional arms dealers were exposed to the power of the last world seed. She is a member of the Augmentoids and partner of the heroic Solarbear. Sea-Labrys has under-wing turbines that work both in air and water. She breaks down into a solar labyrs and twin UV laser pistol.

When Sea-Labrys takes on a mission, she doesn't have time for anything else. Her teammates respect her businesslike attitude and recognize that she is one of the best operatives they have. While all manta ray configuration BMOGs can fly as well as swim, Sea-Labrys prefers the oceans to the air. She can safely dive to the bottom of the deepest sea-trenches but can't bring herself to hover more than a few feet off the ground. Sea-Labrys fills her downtime by swimming the seas of alien worlds to study the creatures that live there.


Solarbear and Sea-Labrys appear as expansion characters in the Kaiju Kaos miniatures game.


  • BMOG Toys Action Hunter Bear and Manta Ray (2014)
A recolor of the Military Black Bear and Manta Ray by BMOG Toys. Contains two rifles, two rocket launchers, a hammer, a tuning fork, a scanner, a clamp, an axe and gun.
Comes with two sticker sheets and instructions.
Parts form this set are used to make Pick-Slaughter, Sea-Labrys, Solarbear and Treblemaker.



External links