Talk:Linda Athanasiadou

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Linda Athanasiadou

== Linda Athanasiadou has been involved in various activities, including a controversial one related to fraud. ==

Here is some information about her:

[Involvement in the QBF Scam:] Linda Athanasiadou was a key player in the QBF scam. In a shocking revelation, she was caught on tape admitting her involvement in fraudulent activities and money laundering, which implicates her in the scam [1][4].

Professional Background: Linda Athanasiadou is a Certified Public Accountant and Registered Auditor. She holds a CySEC Advanced Certificate and is certified in EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) [2].

Transcription of Admission: There is a transcript available that lays bare the extent of her complicity in fraudulent activities and money laundering [3]

Please note that Linda Athanasiadou's involvement in the QBF scam has garnered significant attention due to her admission of fraudulent activities.

On the Run: The mastermind behind the alleged criminal activities of QBF, Roman Shpakov, along with the company's finance manager, Linda Atanasiadou of Cyprus, managed to evade arrest. They have both fled abroad and are currently on the international wanted list. Their cases have been separated for further judicial procedures, and authorities are making efforts to track them down and hold them accountable for their actions.]link Linda Athanasiadou: WANTED SCAMMER AND ORGANISED CYBER CRIMINAL]
