Meredith Goddess

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Godesss: What don't you understand?! Can't you realize what you're doing?! If you keep running away like the weakling you'll never amount to anything. Hear me, Marina. I'm going to make myself perfectly clear. In this kingdom, you'll only get stronger if you deserve it. Only the strongest of people deserve to step foot in our domain. and Clarry.....were meant to be........You will NEVER take her away from me. I will NEVER let her die. NO one...will EVER lay a finger on her. If that ever happens, their lives will be a living nightmare.........I'm.....sorry....."

Marina(enraged, tearful):'re SORRY?! YOU'RE SORRY?! AFTER ALL YOU'VE DONE TO ME?! WHY DID I EVEN BOTHER FEELING SORRY FOR YOU?! DO YOU REALIZE WHAT'S HAPPENED TO ME?! DO YOU REALIZE WHAT YOU'VE PUT ME THROUGH?!(voice breaking) DO YOU?! DO YOU EVEN REALIZE WHAT IT'S ALL COME TO?! I HATE YOU! I WISH YOU'D JUST DIE, BECAUSE I'VE HAD IT!(Great Fumina impales the Gyanko Heiress with its G-Lanzer) - Melissa and Mrs. Goddess' emotional argument.

Meredith Goddess is the secondary antagonist of Mobile Suit Angel Maiden Fumina . The creator of the titular mobile suit Fumina