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Junkions are the natives of the planet Junk in the Transformers television series. First introduced in The Transformers: The Movie, Junkions are apparently an off-shoot of Cybertronians. Junkions are built out of scrap. Junkions are capable of cobbling together working machinery out of junk. These abilities make them very resilient, on Junk they are almost invincible! They're easy enough to knock down, the trouble is making them stay down. A damaged Junkion can reassemble himself in seconds, and can mentally replace badly-damaged components from the surrounding garbage.

Junkions often attack in teams: one in motorcycle form, the other riding. If shot or knocked down, they simply repair themselves and exchange positions.

The language of the Junkions can be very hard to follow, as they have apparently taught themselves English from television broadcasts received on Junk.


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