Siegfried (Unique Toys)

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Unique Toys character
Siegfried in box
Created by

Unique Toys
Release number

Species Transformer

Alternate mode

Robotic two-headed dragon
Tech specs

ST10 IN03 SP04 EN10

RN08 CO09 FB09 SK05

Siegfried is a fictional character and third party Transformer homage to Generation 1 Hun-Gurrr made by Unique Toys made in 2015.

Unique Toys

Siegfried is a third party Transformer homage to Generation 1 Hun-Gurrr. He turns form humanoid robot to robotic monster or becomes the torso of Ordin.


Siegfried was released in February 2015.

DHCL released a set of collector cards for the Ordin combiner in December 2015.


When asked about the Abominus inspired design from Unique Toys, Cassy Sark said "This is nothing to do with me, but I would like to shake the hand of the designer. Looks really good."


  • Unique Toys O-04 Siegfried (2015)
An original third party Transformer mold by Unique Toys. Turns from humanoid robot to robotic two-headed dragon. Comes with two tail whips and three weapons that become the combiner mode foot.
  • DHCL Cards for Unique Toys Ordin (2015)
A set of custom cards for Unique Toys Ordin.[1]


DHCL Siegfried card


External links