Shock and Awe (Transformers: Renegade Rhetoric)

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Shock and Awe is an episode of Challenge of the GoBots Season 2 described on the Renegade Rhetoric Facebook page.


Source Text

The following was posted on Facebook on January 4, 2016 [1]

Dear Cy-Kill, Did you ever see Braxis again after he ran away in your shuttle?

Cy-Kill: But of course! If there's one thing I've learned in my many years of struggle against the Guardians, it's that you can't keep a good villain down.

After he vanished into space, I lost track of track of him in the face of weightier concerns. The first time we caught up with him again, it was while we were testing a Sonic Amplifier developed by Dr. Go, designed to enhance the powers of any GoBot targeted. I was merrily blasting asteroids to pieces in the Silex System when suddenly my Thruster turned on me. Crasher, Crain-Brain, and I found ourselves targeted by our own guns! At first I suspected Cop-Tur, whom we had left aboard, but it was none other than Braxis. In the confusion, he acquired our Amplifier.

I cannot say I am entirely disappointed with how he used it, however. He returned to Earth and contrived a situation where Scooter created holograms of two enormous monsters. He then used the Sonic Amplifier to bring them to life. While the Guardians were attempting to contain Shock and Awe, he absconded with the entirety of the UNECOM mainframe and again vanished into the night, though his damaged hyperdrive made the Guardians confident that they had at least confined him to the solar system. Of course, given what happened next, that turned out to have been a mixed blessing...


