Circle of Poxxus

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The Circle of Poxxus one of the legions in the Mythic Legions fictional setting.

Mythic Legions

Otho, Attila and Vitus fight Azhar and Zazhar

A collection of witches, warlocks, demons, Djinn, sorcerers, and assorted wielder of dark magic. Their ranks are lesser in numbers, but collectively more powerful. In service of the Dark Sorcerer Poxxus, exiled ruler of the Netherrealm. Among their legions are the Shadow Elf Warriors.

Once a young wizard rising through the ranks of The Convocation of Bassylia, Arrizak is a devious and cruel sorcerer bent on promulgating the word of Poxxus. Unsatisfied with the ancient approved texts of Agbendor that his fellow acolytes were studying, Arrizak was constantly thirsting for more - more knowledge, more spells, and more power. His pursuits led him away from the kingdom of Ophidionn and the Tower of Bassylia and into the chaos of the Nethergate where he gathered with members of The Circle of Poxxus. One convening was all that it took for Arrizak to find his new home amongst like-minded sorcerers searching for insight into sinister power.
As a callous ruler of the Netherrealm, the demon king Azahazzar was a nightmarish legend feared by all. It was only when the dark god Poxxus summoned him into the world of Mythoss that the nightmare became all too real for those on the mortal plane. Poxxus’ summoning had the side effect of Azahazzar being divided into the twin demons Azhar and Zazhar. As the generals of The Circle of Poxxus, Azhar and Zazhar have spent ages searching for The Plaguesayer, Poxxus’ cursed bow, in hopes of bringing about his return. Upon his arrival, Poxxus has now granted the demons their wish, recombining them into the mighty Azahazzar. As a commander of Poxxus’ armies, Azahazzar wields his power to destroy and beget life with a mere touch.
  • Azhar (ML1, Male Demon Evil Sorcerer)
Raised from the Netherrealm ages ago by the dark sorcerer Poxxus, Azhar and his brother Zazhar are the central powers behind The Circle of Poxxus. Imbued with the gift of creation, Azhar has the power to create life where none exists. Azhar and his brother, have spent many years searching the world for the legendary talisman said to be the key to freeing Poxxus and the ancient evils from their eternal imprisonment. Only once that goal has been met can he rest in the knowledge that he will be rejoined with his master.
Born of an elemental fire that transcends our physical plane, the Djinn of Mythoss are an enigmatic people known for their great power and unpredictable allegiances. Considered spirits by some and demons by others, they are mighty beings who draw their abilities from the elements. Typically bound to inanimate objects by wizards and spellcasters seeking to tame their unruly strength, Djinn are both all powerful and prisoners of their own existence. The malevolent Kalizirr is a rare Djinn who has been freed from his bondage. Bent on revenge on the magic wielder that imprisoned him, Kalizirr is faithful to the cause of Poxxus and his war on honorable magic.
If Elves represent the purest of bloodlines and Vampires a spoiled distortion of them, then Shadow Elves dwell somewhere in the murky middle of the two. With both the elegance and power of the Elves and the savagery and bloodlust of the Vampires, the Shadow Elves should not be underestimated or trifled with. Their almighty King Malachi Cinderhorn is a cunning warrior, but his charm and silver tongue could be his most deadly weapons. Like all Shadow Elves Malachi harbors an underlying jealousy of Elves that feeds an intense hatred for all Elvenkind, and especially for their Queen, Artemyss Silverchord.
As one of the last remaining Uubyr in existence, Malynna has sought refuge in the dark corners of Alkyrium where she seeks to refine her dark magical abilities into a devastating and deadly weapon. An ancient mixture of orc and vampire bloodlines, the Uubyr have been shunned and despised despite their immense inherent magical potential. Under the protection of Malachi Cinderhorn and his Shadow Elves, Malynna the Malevolent has sworn to return The Soul Spiller to Lucretia and the Vampire kingdom.
Illusive and dangerous, the pale skinned Umangeist are thought by many to be apocryphal. A corrupt supernatural mingling of flesh and phantasm, the ashen-skinned Umangeist are all too real to those unfortunate enough to cross their path. Thraice Wraithhailer’s ambition has driven her to augment her deadly capabilities by learning the ways of summoning magic. Thraice’s inherent connection to the spirit world heightens her abilities to devastating effect. An unquenched lust for power eventually drove her into the fold of The Circle of Poxxus where Thraice Wraithhailer emerged from the shadows as a transformed being created by the horrific melding of unnatural magical powers.
Powerful yet peaceful, the cloven races are widely known for their heroic and noble nature. Unfortuately Shadow Minotaur are nothing of the sort. Their creation can be traced back to the First Age when Poxxus' agents stole away many woodland creatures and imbued them with Dark Magic. Mightily adept at magic, the Shadow Minotaur are a formidable element for the Circle of Poxxus. Torrion, a young Shadow Minotaur with an unusual proficiency for spellcasting, has been given the great honor of representing Poxxus in the secret meeting of the Dark Factions known as the Covenant of Shadow.
  • Xarria (ML2, Female Demon Spellcaster)
A lesser demon from the same Netherrealm that was once home to the great demon king Azahazzar, Xarria is one of the top generals in the Circle of Poxxus. With a gift for casting dangerous and exotic spells, Xarria’s power rivals that of faction leaders Azhar and Zazhar. Often at odds with the powerful pair, she is careful not to reveal her true ambitions in the event that Poxxus returns and restores Azahazzar to his true form.
  • Zazhar (ML1, Male Demon Evil Sorcerer)
Once an all powerful demon king of the Netherrealm, the mighty Azahazzar was split in two when Poxxus summoned him into the world of Mythoss. Zazhar and his brother Azhar are the malicious result of that split. Cursed with the power to destroy life with a mere touch, he is a chilling reminder of life's true frailty. Still bitter that he is only half of the demon he once was, Zazhar aggressively fights for the return of Poxxus in hopes that he may one day be restored to his former self.
  • Shadow Elf Warrior (ML2, Male Elf)
  • Shadow Elf Ranger (SS, Male Elf)



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