Mullah Abdul Rauf

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Mullah Abdul Rauf is a nomme de guerre that has been applied to two different individuals from Afghanistan.

The older individual named "Abdul Rauf" ("Mullah" is an an honorific, like "Reverend") was first identified by the United Nations as a senior member of the Taliban's leadership structure in 2001. United Nations Security Council Resolution resolution 1267 listed him together with approximately 100 other senior Taliban and al Qaeda officials to whom the United Nations requested its member nations apply financial sanctions. The document listed him as a Corps Commander -- that is a general responsible for multiple military divisions.

The younger individual known as Mullah Abdul Rauf was a youth who claimed he was a simple Taliban conscript named Abdul Rauf Aliza, who was transferred to Guantanamo after he surrendered to brutal General Dostum in 2001. The US estimated he was born in 1981, inconceivably young to be a Taliban Corps Commander. Nevertheless his formerly secret JTF-GTMO assessment identified him not only as a former Taliban Corps Commander, but also as a former Taliban Governor of Herat Province.

The Herat Province assertion is highly questionable, if the age estimate is to be believed, as Guantanamo also held Khirullah Khairkhwa the Taliban's last Governor of Herat. He was appointed in 1999, when Abdul Rauf Aliza would have been just 18 years old.