Online poker

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This article will focus, as the title suggests, on a well-known game: poker . Therefore, if you want to learn more about online poker, one of the oldest gambling games in the world , we encourage you to continue reading today.

Let's start with the historical aspect to acquire fundamental knowledge. The game we know as poker is believed to have ancient roots that date back almost 1,000 years, crossing several continents and cultures. Some historians claim that poker originated from a game of dominoes played by a Chinese emperor in the 10th century; others say it is a descendant of the Persian card game "As Nas", which dates back to the 16th century.

The closest European predecessor to poker is Poque, which appeared in France in the 17th century. Poque and its German equivalent, pochen, were based on the 16th-century Spanish game of primero, in which each player was dealt three cards and bluffing (or making high bets with weak cards) was a key part of the game.

French colonists brought Poque to their North American settlements, including New Orleans and the surrounding area, which became part of the United States with the Louisiana Purchase in 1803. English-speaking settlers in the region Englishized Poque for poker and adopted features of the modern game, including five cards for each player and (by 1834) a deck of 52 cards.

From there, poker spread up the Mississippi River and across the country, thanks in part to its popularity among the crews of the riverboats that transported goods along that great waterway. Northern and Southern soldiers played poker during the Civil War and in the 1970s and 1980s.

In the 1880s, it became a staple of Old West saloons in frontier settlements. In 1871, the game was introduced to Europe after Queen Victoria heard an American minister in Great Britain explaining the game to members of her court and asked him for the rules.

More widespread acceptance of poker in Europe occurred several decades later, largely due to the influence of American soldiers during World War I. Over time, various games have come to dominate poker players, including five-card draw, seven-card stud and, most recently, Texas Hold'em, which began its dominance in the 1970s when it became the main game in the World Series of Poker. the game's most important annual competition.

How to play poker online?

There are now over 100 million poker players in the world, and the game continues to grow in countries near and far. If you are completely new to poker, we suggest checking out our guide on how to play poker. However, if you want to learn how to play online poker, you have come to the right place.

Below we'll explain everything you need to know to start playing poker online. Once you've read everything, check out our list of the best online poker sites and start playing in seconds.

The requirements for online poker are very minimal and there is a good chance that you can play on the same device that you use to view this site. Online poker is not particularly taxing on your computer's memory, and if you have a laptop or desktop computer from the early 2000s or later, you have more than enough processing power.

Nowadays, there are many real money poker apps for smartphones and tablets, so you can play on or these other websites. This applies to Android devices, iPhones and iPads.

If you are playing from your home computer or laptop, the first step is to download online poker software from the site of your choice.

The overall memory requirement should be quite low and the download shouldn't take long even with slightly more archaic internet connections. If you prefer not to download anything, you can try out no-download poker games at any poker site, although they do not provide the same features and playability as the full download version.

If you have chosen the software download route, then after downloading the installation package, simply double-click on it to install the software.

At this point you will need to create a user account (some sites do this before downloading the software). You must be at least 18 years of age or the minimum legal age in your jurisdiction, whichever is higher. The website will definitely carry out an age check, so don't expect to pass it if you are underage.

Which poker casinos are the best?

Online poker is not a monopoly of one site and there are dozens of different ones you can play on. Which one is the best? Well, it depends on many factors. The largest sites usually have the most players and the most variants. On the other hand, some of the smaller poker sites have players with lower skill levels and much larger welcome or sign-up bonuses and benefits for players (more on this below).

Some sites offer more poker variations (such as PLO, Seven-Card Stud, Five-Card Stud, Lowball), while others limit themselves to Texas Hold'em and Omaha, which are the most popular ones. To get more detailed information on what each poker site can offer, it is best to check out various types of review and opinion sites - such as for example.

Thanks to this, you are able to verify whether a given website is worth your attention based on the experiences of other users. It also allows you to avoid bad websites that would only waste your time and nerves.

What is the most popular form of online poker?

We've already reached this far in our article, so it's time to get acquainted with the most popular poker variations. Each of them has slightly different characteristics.

Texas Hold'em

The number of possible situations and combinations is so large that Texas Hold'em can be an extremely complex game when played at the highest difficulty levels. If you're new to Texas hold'em, the key is to start with the basic rules of the game. Not only are they the easiest to learn, but they are also essential to understanding the gameplay and later the basic strategy of the game.

The goal of Texas Hold'em is to use your hole cards in combination with your community cards to create the best possible five-card poker hand. Hold'em is no different from other poker games, such as drawing five cards.

However, the way players construct their hand in Texas Hold'em is slightly different than in draw poker. There is always the possibility that a player can "bluff" and trick others into folding better hands.

In Texas Hold'em, each player is dealt two hole cards. Over several rounds of betting, five consecutive cards are (eventually) dealt face up in the middle of the table. These face-down cards are called "community cards."

Each player can use the community cards in combination with their hole cards to create a five-card poker hand. While we will see each betting round and the different phases that make up a full hand in Texas Hold'em, you should know that the five community cards are dealt in three stages:

- Flop: first three community cards. - Turn: Fourth community card. - River: The fifth and final community card.

Your task is to build a five-card poker hand using the best five cards available from your seven total cards (your two hole cards and five community cards).

You can do this by using both of your hole cards in combination with three community cards, one hole card in combination with four community cards, or no hole cards. If the cards on the board lead to a better combination, you can also play all five community cards and forget about yours. In Texas Hold'em, you can do everything you can to make the best five-card hand.

If the betting results in all but one player passing, the only remaining player wins the pot without having to show any cards. For this reason, players do not always have to have the best hand to win the pot.

It is always possible that a player can 'bluff' and trick others into folding better hands. This is proven by the common statement that in poker you need to be able to read body language.

If two or more players survive to showdown after the last community card has been dealt and all bets have been completed, the only way to win the pot is to have the highest five-card hand in poker.

Omaha Hold'em

Omaha poker has become one of the most popular poker variants in recent years. Some go so far as to say that Omaha Hold'em (PLO, in particular) is on a trajectory to surpass even Texas Hold'em in popularity and become the most played game in the world.

Part of the game's success has to do with its rules. Like most poker games, the basics of Omaha poker are the same as Texas hold'em - which means that if you know how to play one, you're in a good place to play the other. When it comes to Omaha, there are various sub-variants, each with its own specifics and dedicated player base.

The two most popular types of Omaha poker (i.e. those found on every major poker site) are:

- Pot Limit Omaha (PLO) - Omaha hi-lo

Here we will focus on PLO, one of the most frequently played sub-variants and probably the easiest version to learn as a beginner.

To play a game of Omaha poker, you will need a 52-card deck of French cards. In addition, you will also need poker chips, a dealer button and two blind buttons.

It takes two to ten players to start playing Omaha poker. As in other poker games, the action of a hand in Omaha poker involves several rounds of betting and a combination of private cards ("hole") and community cards ("the board").

The first thing you want to remember when it comes to learning how to play Omaha poker is the name of the different phases that make up a hand.

- Pre-flop: The initial round of betting. Some players ("Blinds") are required to place a bet, while others can decide whether they want to call, fold or raise. - Flop: Second round of betting. Players remaining in the game decide what to do when the dealer places the first three community cards face up on the table. - Turn: The third round of betting. Players remaining in the game decide what to do when the dealer puts another community card face up on the table. - River: Final round of betting. Players remaining in the game decide what to do when the dealer puts the last of the five community cards face up on the table. - Showdown: Players remaining in the hand reveal their cards.

Preflop action

The Big Blind (BB) and Small Blind (SB) bring their bets to the table to start the action.

The dealer deals four cards to each player, all face down. As we will see later, this is one of the key differences between Omaha and Texas Hold'em poker. As soon as all the cards reach each player, the first round of betting begins. The first player to act is the one to the left of the Big Blind (table position: "Under the Gun" or UTG).

The action continues clockwise until the Big Blind is reached. All players have the following options:

Call: They place a bet equal to the size of the Big Blind (or the highest bet placed in front of them, in case someone in the hand decides to raise).

Raise: Increases your bet making it more expensive for other players to stay in the hand.

Fold: Hands over the card and leaves the hand.


The dealer places three cards on the table, all face down. These are the first in a series of five cards that players must use to build their ultimate poker hand. As soon as three cards are on the table, a new round of betting begins. The Flop betting round is identical to the previous one.


The dealer puts another card on the table, also face up. All players remaining in the hand enter a new round of betting, which unfolds in exactly the same way as the previous one.


The dealer places the last community card on the table, face down, and a new round of betting begins. If there are two or more players left in the hand, the action continues until the last chapter ("Showdown"). If most players pass, the hand goes to the last player.


Players in the hand turn their hands and use at most two of their hole cards combined with any of the five cards on the table to create a five-card poker hand. The player with the highest poker hand wins the hand and takes the pot. This is where most beginner players get into trouble. Players who are just starting to learn how to play the game and are not very familiar with the rules of Omaha poker tend to make many mistakes when it comes to building five-card hands.

The most common PLO poker mistake people make when learning to play Omaha poker is forgetting that they must use at least two of their four hole cards to build their final hand.

Five card draw

One of the simplest variants of poker, which is the first introduction to the game of poker for many players, is Five Card Draw. More common in home gaming than in casinos, Five Card Draw has been supplanted in popularity by games such as Texas hold'em and Omaha.

However, there are still many Five Card Draw fans around the world - especially in the online world, where several online poker sites offer cash games and tournaments. If you have played any other form of poker, the rules of Five Card Draw are similar in that the goal of the game is to create the best five-card poker hand.

As in Texas hold'em, the poker hand rankings, from weakest to strongest, are as follows:

- High card - One pair - Two pairs - Three-of-a-kind - Straight - Flush - Full house - Four-of-a-kind - Straight flush - Royal Flush

When it comes to preflop betting, there are two different methods used in Five Card Draw.

Either all players pay ante before being dealt cards (this is more common in home games), or there is a small and big blind, as in Hold'em and Omaha games (this is most common on online poker sites and in casinos).

There are three different betting structures in Five Card Draw.

You can play Five Card Draw poker as:

- Fixed-limit - Pot-limit - No-limit

While all three formats play by the same poker rules, different betting structures mean your strategy must adapt.

For example, some hands that you wouldn't play in fixed-limit Five Card Draw become playable in no-limit Five Card Draw because in the latter you can bet enough to force your opponent to fold.

Regardless of the betting structure, here's how to play Five Card Draw.

Once everyone has paid the ante or blinds, each player is dealt five cards face down.Then the betting round begins. If more than one player remains after this first round of betting, the first round of the draw takes place.

Each active player determines how many cards he wants to discard and replace with new cards from the deck. If you are satisfied with your possessions and do not want to draw any cards, you "stay". After the drawing round ends, another round of bidding takes place. Afterwards, if more than one player remains, a showdown occurs and the player with the best five-card poker hand wins.

As you can see, the rules of 5-card draw are simple and make for a quick game, which is why the game is popular with new, less experienced players.

The best online poker bonuses

This leaves us with the last question, but by no means the least important one. These are all types of bonuses aimed at online poker enthusiasts. Therefore, let's see what a player who wants to indulge his passion at a virtual gaming table can count on.

There are several types of poker bonuses:

Match Bonus or matched bonus

A matching bonus is the most common offer you will find in online poker rooms. Matched deposit bonuses work by depositing a certain amount of money into the site. Then you will receive a bonus based on the rules applicable to the selected site. For example, you can deposit EUR 30 and receive a 100% match bonus, giving you a total of EUR 60 to play with. Remember to ask yourself the following questions:

How much do you need to deposit before you can qualify for a deposit bonus?

Is this good for a first deposit bonus or can it work for multiple deposits?

What is the match rate? The rate is 100% in most cases, but may be lower.

No deposit bonus

This is one of the best online poker bonus options you can find. It differs from other online poker bonuses in that you don't have to make any deposit to claim the offer. You register and then receive free funds to play online poker. In this case, you should also ask yourself a few questions:

How much will you get from the bonus? You may only get a few dollars.

What poker games can you play with the bonus? There may be restrictions on the games you can play.

How much can you win? You may be subject to a limit on the amount you can win with a no deposit bonus.

Do you have to play the bonus several times? For example, you can receive a €15 bonus with a 20x wagering requirement. This means you will have to play this amount 20 times, which means you have to wager EUR 300 to withdraw your funds.

Tournament tickets

A tournament ticket may be offered among first deposit poker bonuses. A ticket is a voucher that you can use to join a tournament. There are many rules to pay attention to with your ticket, including:

The type of tournament you can enter The number of tickets you can get, or how many entries you will have into the game The rules for these tournaments will vary depending on your site. It is possible that you can win a big prize in a tournament, it depends only on your skills and luck.

Reload Bonuses

Reload bonuses appear after you make your first deposit. This involves granting the player additional funds for subsequent deposits on a given site.

This offer is for people who are loyal to their chosen gaming venue. This is, of course, a way to maintain this loyalty. Reload bonuses are not as profitable in percentage terms as first deposit match bonuses. While the first deposit bonus can be up to 100%, the reload bonus usually does not exceed 50% of the deposit.

There may also be a limit to the amount of funds you can earn. For example, you can get a top-up of up to EUR 50, but this will depend on the rules adopted by the gambling site. The reload bonus is, nevertheless, a great opportunity to play a bet with a larger capital.

VIP or loyalty bonus

It is also possible to qualify for a VIP bonus if you have been a member of a given site for long enough and earn points for turnover and regular play, or you have been noticed by casino employees and they have sent you an invitation. This offer can be the best poker bonus for any player as it often comes with better terms than many welcome bonuses. Online Poker