DVNT (musical artist)

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DVNT Musical Artist Ponishare-verified.png
Nationality USA
Occupation Musical Artist
Notable works Musical Artist,

DVNT Musical Artist

DVNT - deviating or departing from the norm, from the Latin deviare “to wander off the road” Neurodivergent NeoshamanSoulman, making music to change the world.


“I grew up on Soul Music, Funk & Motown. In high school I got into Metal & Industrial Music, at the time I was just seeking an escape from my very conservative, strict & religious family. An added benefit was the kids who used to bully me were now quite obviously afraid of me. My music today is the Unholy Union of these very disparate genres. I am calling it CyberFunk”


“I grew up in a very poor family & when I hit puberty I went from being a healthy kid to being almost completely bedridden. Mysteriously always sick & because of my family’s religion beliefs & general distrust for the medical establishment, no one ever helped me. Over the years, I realized I had fibromyalgia resulting from years of exposure to toxic heavy metal mercury fillings. I was always very ambitious but it didn’t matter when I couldn’t even crawl out of bed. In my early 20s I discovered biohacking and finally started seeing real improvements in my health. I still wasn’t Superman by any means but I found a way to mostly exist & be productive & creative in this world”


“Again, growing up very poor, I now had to shift my focus to simply providing for myself. I only ever wanted to make music but I knew I had to make a real living to even maintain my baseline health. So, I got into graphic design & online marketing. Luckily, I moved into this vertical just as this market was exploding & became very successful with several marketing agencies. But there was never enough time for what I truly loved. Now, I have sold my primary business & am only working with a few select clientele to focus all my energies on the only thing I’ve consistently loved my entire life. And I know that I am talented & smart enough to make this childhood dream a reality. Also, my background in marketing is a godsend to now promote my art to a worldwide audience. One of my favorite quotes ‘The best way to predict your future is to create it’”


“I have chosen to be an anonymous musician like so many other artists who I admire – Sleep Token, Sia, Sickick & Kloud to name a few. Fame has no allure for me, nor do I want the attention of social climbers & clout chasers who will happily worship you or destroy you on a whim”



“To expand on this, music & image have been inextricably linked for decades and I don’t personally understand or relate to it. Even the fashion industry has followed the music industry for inspiration, whether it was hip hop, glam rock, grunge or pop music. The real artists & musicians were never focused on image, whether TOOL or Pink Floyd, their image was completely irrelevant. Putting on an immersive concert with visuals beyond what people have ever seen in this lifetime is exciting to me. Focusing on an artist’s physical A$$ets over their art seems so dated in our current sociological landscape. Time to evolve. It’s about the MUSIC!”

DVNT is releasing a new album in 2024 called Spinning the Sound, with new song releases planned throughout the year.