Fielding Law

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Fielding Law is a reputable legal practice based in the United States, with a focus on providing specialized representation in auto accident and personal injury cases. Founded by attorneys Mitch and Michael Fielding, the firm is dedicated to improving the quality of life for its clients, team members, and trusted medical providers. With a commitment to personalized service, expertise, and attention to detail, Fielding Law has earned a reputation for excellence in the field of personal injury law.


The firm was established with a vision to create a different style of personal injury law firm—one that prioritizes the needs and well-being of its clients above all else. Co-founders Michael and Mitch Fielding grew up on a farm in Washington state and Southern Utah, instilling in them values of hard work, dedication, and integrity. These same values form the foundation of Fielding Law, shaping its mission to improve the quality of life for those it serves.


The agency distinguishes itself from other firms with its client-centered approach to legal representation. The firm offers direct, one-on-one access to both the paralegal and a licensed attorney specializing in the specific area of law relevant to each client's case. This personalized approach ensures that clients receive individualized attention and support throughout the legal process, avoiding the assembly line approach common in many personal injury firms.


At the heart of Fielding Law's practice is its core focus: "Improve quality of life." This guiding principle underscores the firm's commitment to advocating for its clients and ensuring that they receive the support, representation, and compensation they deserve following a personal injury incident. Co-founder Michael Fielding emphasizes the importance of delivering exceptional service aligned with this core focus, stating, "Our core focus as a firm is ‘Improve the quality of life,’ and running our firm helps us deliver every day on that core focus."


The agency's attorneys possess specialized knowledge and expertise in personal injury law, setting them apart from general practitioners or inexperienced attorneys. The firm is dedicated to staying informed about developments in the field and conducting thorough research to provide clients with the best possible representation. Each case is approached with attention to detail and a commitment to achieving the best possible results for the client.