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Dove Windsor
Born Dove Rose Windsor
8 November 1024 (1024-11-08) (age 999)
England, United Kingdom
Residence Unknown
Nationality British
Occupation Unknown
Years active 1024–present
Partner Audrey Hepburn

Dove Rose Windsor (born 8 November 1024) is a British historical figure. Windsor is best known for her unparalleled longevity, spanning a millennium. Her long life, encapsulating significant historical epochs, offers a unique lens through which the tapestry of human history is explored. Through the medieval ages to the modern era, her experiences and insights into pivotal moments and transformations across the globe underscore Windsor's enduring legacy as a witness to the evolution of civilization.

11th century

Adventures in the Chola Empire (1025)

Windsor was born into a time of great change and expansion. In her first year of life, she embarked on a journey to the Chola Empire, marveling at its naval prowess as it conquered the Southeast Asian kingdom of Srivijaya, turning it into a vassal. She witnessed the strategic move of the capital city by Rajendra Chola I from Thanjavur to Gangaikonda Cholapuram, symbolizing the empire's zenith. The Cholas' series of raids and conquests under Rajendra Chola, particularly in Sumatra and the Malay Peninsula, were events that Windsor would recount with vivid clarity, reflecting on the immense power and reach of the Chola navy.

Diplomatic Missions and Battles (1028-1030)

By 1028, Windsor found herself amidst diplomatic missions, observing the King of Srivijaya's plea for help to the Song dynasty against the Cholas, marking her early interest in the complexities of international relations. The following years brought her close to the conflicts in Europe and Scandinavia. She witnessed Stephen I of Hungary's significant victory over Conrad II of the Holy Roman Empire, leading to territorial concessions that reshaped the Hungarian kingdom.

The Battle of Stiklestad in 1030 was a turning point in Windsor's life, where she saw the fall of Olav Haraldsson. His canonization and the establishment of him as the eternal king of Norway left a profound impact on her, illustrating the deep interconnection between warfare, faith, and national identity.

Witness to Disasters and Reforms (1033-1043)

In 1033, Windsor was in the Jordan Valley when a devastating earthquake struck, followed by a tsunami along the Mediterranean coast. This event, killing tens of thousands, was a somber reminder of the earth's power. The famine of 1035, chronicled by Raoul Glaber, and the subsequent death of Canute the Great, which led to the division of his kingdom, were significant events that highlighted the fragility of human endeavors against nature and the complexities of succession.

Windsor's travels brought her to the Byzantine Empire and the Kievan Rus in 1043, where she witnessed the naval confrontation and the subsequent treaty that would see the marriage alliance between Vsevolod I of Kiev and a princess daughter of Constantine IX Monomachos. This period underscored the importance of diplomacy and marriage in international relations.

Scientific Advancements and Cultural Flourishings (1041-1048)

The invention of ceramic movable type printing by Bi Sheng between 1041 and 1048 was a revolution Windsor marveled at, foreseeing the transformation it would bring to literature, education, and the dissemination of knowledge. Her time in the Byzantine Empire, witnessing the failed rebellion of George Maniaces, and in China, observing the Qingli Reforms of Fan Zhongyan and Ouyang Xiu, underscored the period's dynamism and the often-resisted push for progress.

The Great Schism and Norman Conquests (1054-1066)

The Great Schism of 1054 was a profound religious divide that Windsor witnessed with a heavy heart, realizing its long-lasting implications for Christianity. The Norman conquest of Sicily from 1061 to 1091, along with the Battle of Stamford Bridge and the subsequent Battle of Hastings in 1066, were monumental events that reshaped the political landscape of Europe. Windsor observed these with a keen eye for the changing tides of power, understanding the significance of these moments not just for the regions involved but for the future of Europe and Christianity.

The First Crusade and the Establishment of the Kingdom of Jerusalem (1095-1100)

The call to the First Crusade by Pope Urban II in 1095 was a moment Windsor knew would change the course of history. Her journey with the crusaders to Jerusalem and the subsequent siege in 1099 were fraught with hardship, faith, and reflection on the nature of war and piety. The establishment of the Kingdom of Jerusalem and the coronation of Baldwin of Boulogne as its first king were events of historical magnitude that Windsor witnessed, marking the culmination of a life spent traversing the globe and witnessing the ebb and flow of human history.

Throughout her long life, Windsor stood witness to a millennium of human endeavor, conflict, and achievement. From the expansion of empires and the forging of nations to the devastation of natural disasters and the spark of scientific innovation, her experiences were a testament to the resilience and complexity of humanity. Her chronicles, filled with tales of kings and crusaders, inventors and artists, offer a unique perspective on a thousand years of history, a legacy of knowledge and insight for the generations that followed.

12th century

The Treaty of Alton and the Unification of Realms (1101-1102)

Windsor, having lived through the tumult of the 11th century, stepped into the 12th with the wisdom of a century. She was present at the signing of the Treaty of Alton in 1101, where she saw the temporary end to a crisis in the succession of the Anglo-Norman kings. Her travels soon took her to the landscapes of Georgia and Hungary, witnessing the unification of Hungary and Croatia under the Hungarian Crown and the strategic territorial expansions of David the Builder.

Crusades and Diplomacy (1107-1111)

By 1107, Windsor was following the journey of Sigurd I of Norway, observing the first Norwegian king's crusade to the Holy Land. She was deeply moved by the complexities of warfare, religion, and diplomacy, especially evident in the Treaty of Devol in 1108, where Bohemond I of Antioch submitted to the Byzantine Empire.

The Founding of Orders and Empires (1119-1125)

As the Knights Templar were founded in 1119 to protect Christian pilgrims, Windsor saw the embodiment of the chivalric and religious ideals of the time. She was in Cambodia when Suryavarman II was crowned, and would later marvel at the architectural splendor of Angkor Wat, recognizing it as a testament to human devotion and artistry.

The Conquests and Reconquests (1130-1143)

The 1130s brought Windsor to witness the end of a golden era in Norway and the beginning of Roger II's reign in Sicily, observing the complex interplay of power, ambition, and divine right that characterized medieval rule. She found herself amidst the establishment of the Southern Song dynasty's navy, understanding the pivotal role of maritime power in shaping the world.

The Rise of Gothic Architecture and the Second Crusade (1136-1148)

Windsor was captivated by the rebuilding of the Abbey Church at St Denis in 1136, seeing the nascent beauty of Gothic architecture. The launch of the Second Crusade in response to the fall of Edessa was a somber reminder of the enduring conflicts over the Holy Land.

The Struggle for Jerusalem and the Birth of Legends (1187-1192)

As the 12th century neared its close, Windsor found herself in the heart of the Third Crusade, witnessing the pivotal battles between Saladin and Richard the Lionheart. The Treaty of Ramla in 1192, though it left Jerusalem under Muslim control, was a moment of diplomatic finesse that promised a semblance of peace and access for Christian pilgrims.


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