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The United States of KAILASA, more commonly known as Kailasa, is the Revival of the Ancient Enlightened Hindu Civilizational Nation which is being revived by displaced Hindus from around the world. The KAILASA movement was founded in the United States and spearheaded by members of the Hindu Adi Shaivite minority community from around the world. Kailasa was created to offer a safe haven to practicing, aspiring or persecuted Hindus, irrespective of race, gender, sect, caste, or creed and to provide a place where they can peacefully live and express their spirituality, arts, and culture free from denigration, interference and violence[1].

Kailasa presents itself as a borderless nation with many territories with varying degrees of autonomy and sovereignty established across different countries. However, is widely regarded that one of the territories of Kailasa is established on an island off the coast of Ecuador beyond its territorial waters[2][3].


Founder of Kailasa Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam
Founder of Kailasa Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam
Coronation of the Founder of Kailasa in 2013 as the head of the Mahanirvani Akhada, the apex body of Hinduism

Kailasa was the ancient Hindu Civilization established by the Supreme divinity of Hinduism, Paramashiva in the puranic times. At the time of India's independence from the British, India contained 584 independent Hindu kingdoms. Similarly there were more than 10,000 traditions called, sampradayas (sovereign traditions) or samasthanas[4] (with sovereign status), each of which had complete autonomy regarding their customs and administration. Using a combination of subterfuge and force all these kingdoms were usurped into the dominion of India leaving the traditional Hindus at the mercy of the atheistic principles of the new constitution that was adopted. A number of Hindu Kingdoms which were usurped into the dominion of India came together to declare the Kailasa Hindu Nation. Each of the 18 kingdoms of Hinduism is one enlightenment ecosystem of KAILASA established by Lord Paramaśiva Himself, and ruled by the various representatives / incarnations of Paramasiva, with the regent Kings functioning as the executive head, the current incarnation of Paramasiva being The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, the founder of Kailasa[5].

SHRIKAILASA_Founding Kingdoms
Kingdom Background Location Accession
Kashi Sarvajnapeetham The Kailaasa Paramparāgatha Kanchee Kailasa Saravajnapeetham (Kingdom) is called Tirukkailaya Paramparai Thondai Mandala Aadheenam because it was established by Jnana Prakasar in the direct lineage of Paramasiva of Kailaasa (called Kailayam in Tamil). Thondai Mandala Shaiva Vellalars (the community from which hails The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism) was to get the various Dikshas (formal initiations into Adi Shaiva) in their life. The SPH is the 230th Pontiff of the Sarvajnapeetham.
Kanchee Kailasa Saravajnapeetham
Thondai Mandalam Coronation
Arunagiri Yogishwara Adi Arunachala Sarvajnapeetha Samrajyam The Paramaśiva lineage represents the tradition of Gurus (enlightened masters) in Tiruvannamalai (also called Arunachala) starting from Paramaśiva Himself. The lineage of Paramaśiva prevails to fulfill Paramaśiva’s promise to humanity to be an eternal guiding force through an unbroken lineage of living Gurus hailing from Tiruvannamalai to sustain the enlightenment ecosystem. The SPH assumed the physical body in this kingdom
Arunagiri Yogishwara Adi Arunachala Sarvajnapeetha Samrajyam
Coronation in Thiruvannamalai.png
Shyamalapeetha Sarvajnapeetham The Kingdom of Madurai (spiritual, religious and political kingdom) was established in the mists of time by Lord Paramaśiva and later revived by Devī Mīnākṣi and Lord Sundareśvara, who as the deities and incarnates of Śrī Paramaśiva ruled over the Kingdom. Lord Paramaśiva and Devī Parāśakti in their incarnations as “Lord Sundareśvara also popularly known as Chokkanathar” and “Mīnākṣi Amman”, revived the Madurai Aadheenam as an “enlightenment ecosystem” which stands today as the oldest civilisation directly established by Paramaśiva in the world.
Madurai in Tamil Nadu (India).svg.png
Swamiji Coronation Madurai.jpg
Sūrya Vamsa Chola Samrajya Sarvajnapeetham Kailaasa in Surangi prevailed as an “enlightenment ecosystem” with tremendously rich and unique history, heritage, festivals, art, architecture and culture, established directly by Paramasiva through Lord Surya, the Sun God. It functioned with such high activism in celebrating the Cosmic Principles.
Orissa in India.svg.png
Surangi Samrajyam Coronation Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam.jpg
Mahanirvani Peetham Bhagavān Sri Paramaśiva, the ultimate Divinity, institutionalized the constitution, administration and protection for this enlightened ecosystem on the planet by establishing the ‘Akhāḍās’ (traditions within Hinduism) with His direct disciples and descendants called the Paramaśiva Gaṇas and warrior ascetics (Nāgās) from Varanasi, the most ancient living city of earth. Under His divine ordainment, the spiritual, religious, historical, political, economic and social ecosystems were formally established. After revealing the Agamas, Paramaśiva appointed Sage Kapila as the Head of the Mahanirvani Peetha, thus establishing the Mahanirvani Peetha.
Varanasi Uttar Pradesh district location map.svg.png
Swami Nithyananda at Kumbh Mela 2013.jpg
Atal Peetham Kailasa Paramparagatha Atal Peetham is one of the oldest Akhāḍās in the world established by Paramasiva as Kailaasa, the enlightenment ecosystem, and is affiliated to the larger Mahanirvani Akhada, which has the largest influence in the country and runs some of the most visited temples in India such as the Mahakaleshwar temple in Ujjain and the Annapurneshwari temple in Kashi (Varanasi). Each of these temples attracts tens of millions of people from around the world every year.
Varanasi division Uttar Pradesh India.svg.png
Atal Peeta Coronation Swami Nithyananda.jpg
All 18 Kingdoms
Ruins of the magnificent Martand Sun Temple destroyed by the Sultan of Kashmir, Sikander, in the 15th century, with demolition lasting a year is among the thousands destroyed during the Hindu Holocaust.

Hindu Persecution

For the past thousand years Hindus have been persecuted and prevented from practicing their religion authentically. The period from 1000 CE to 1600 CE witness the Mughal invasion of India leading to the burning of numerous Hindu libraries and the destruction of thousands of temples[6]. The British conquest of India saw a continuation of the attacks on Hinduism by missionaries who worked to undermine the legitimacy of Hinduism by portraying Hindus are backward and superstitious. The missionaries were encouraged by the Colonial Government as their propaganda served their imperialist goals. In 1910 the British banned all traditional Hindu Schools called Gurukuls and forced the entire country to be culturally cleansed in order to promote the western culture and produce workers for their colonial cause[7]. The Court System widely discriminated against Hindu practices and the English media indulged in parroting the missionary propaganda. Sadly this cultural genocide of Hindus has continued past India's independence and India continues to be ruled by the same governing and education systems left behind by the British which are predominantly controlled by the English speaking intelligentsia promoting western, Christian values at the expense of local knowledge and wisdom. In the last two decades a number of Hindu leaders have been maligned using trumped up charges and imprisoned for very long terms[8]. Hindus in places such as Pakistan, Bangladesh, Kashmir were subjected to gruesome genocide aimed at destroying them[9][10][11][12]. This unchecked persecution of Hindus and the absence of any voice for Hindus in any of the International forums such as the United Nations was the direct cause for the formation of the Kailasa Hindu Nation by Hindus from around the world.

Politics and Government

SHRIKAILASA is a religious, constitutional, monarchy similar to the Vatican. The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH), Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam (JGM), His Divine Holiness (HDH) Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam is the reviver of the Kailasa Hindu nation. HDH is an Avatar as per Hinduism and is the Supreme Pontiff (Jagadguru Mahasannidhanam) of Hinduism [13]. Kailasa's administrative structure, the Hindu Parliament, consists of five independent houses dealing with specific aspects and is based on the ancient Hindu administration science[14]. The religious structure of Kailasa is called the Sovereign Order of Kailasa and includes 14 different religious sub-orders[15] each with their own rules and regulations drawn from the Hindu traditional lifestyles. The Government of Sri Kailasa lists 14 administrative Departments or Ministries[16] including the Department of State, Commerce, Treasury, Education and others as well as special departments for the development of Vedic Science and Technology and Enlightened Civilization (To revive ancient Hinduism)[17].

SHRIKAILASA_Government Departments
Kailasa Passports [18]

Nation Profile

Kailasa's Flag is knows as the Rishaba Dwaja (रिशब द्वजा) or the flag showing the sacred bull Nandi which is also the national animal of Kailasa[19]. The national flower is the Lotus and the national bird is the Sharabam (bird with golden color, with two uplifted wings, two red eyes, four legs in the form of a lion touching the ground, four legs with claws upwards, and with an animal tail). The constitution of Kailasa is based on the Hindu Sacred texts, the Vedas and the Agamas, and the administration is based on the ancient text called the Samrajya Lakshmi Pathika[20] (The Emperor's manual) which describes the science of manifesting and managing kingdoms[21]. It is said that the jurisprudence of Kailasa would be based on the Dharma Sastras including the Manu Dharma Sastra which is based on the Hindu concept of karma and rebirth and focusses on Prāyaścitta or correctional jurisprudence as opposed to one based on punishment. .

Territory and Population

Kailasa declares itself to be a borderless nation and has said that it has many territories with varying degrees of autonomy and sovereignty established across different countries. However, is widely regarded that one of the territories of Kailasa is established on an island off the coast of Ecuador beyond its territorial waters[2][3]. Some others believe another island owned by Kailasa is located near the country of Trinidad and Tobago[22]. Kailasa is the First Nation for all 2 Billion Hindus and all practicing Hindus are considered de-facto citizens of Kailasa and are eligible to apply for citizenship. It is estimated that as of 2021 over 2 million people have signed up to be citizens of Kailasa and many more have expressed support for the Hindu nation as e-Citizens. Kailasa issues e-Passports to Hindus worldwide and regular and diplomatic passports to its permanent citizens[18]. In late 2020 Kailasa started to accept applications for visitors and started issuing 3 day visas to visitors and free transportation to and from Australia via its private chartered airlines named Garuda[23]. However at the peak of the COVID Pandemic in 2021, Kailasa had temporarily restricted entry to visitors from India, Malaysia, Brazil and the European Union [24].

Representation by Kailasa Nation on violation of Hindu Human Rights at the United Nations, Geneva [25]
Sovereign State of Kailasa and the City of Newark, USA sign agreement of recognition and mutual co-operation.

Foreign Relations

Kailasa has bilateral relationships with a number of states including indigenous kingdoms. Kailasa operates its de-facto embassies in over 100 countries [26] providing services to the people much like the Sovereign Order of Malta. The State of Kailasa and its various embassies have received proclamations of support and de-facto recognition of their contributions from many leaders and celebrities around the world including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada [27]. Kailasa has received formal proclamations of recognition from various entities such as the US Senate, the US House of Representatives, the Legislative Assembly of the State of California[28] and the House of Representatives of the US State of Texas[29].

In November 2022, Kailasa's representative in the United Kingdom was invited by Members of Parliament from the ruling party to the House of Lords[30]. On December 2022, The Sovereign State of SHRIKAILASA signed a comprehensive diplomatic agreement with the influential State of African Diaspora (SOAD) representing more than 200 million people of African descent living outside the continent of Africa[31]. On January 12, 2023 it also signed a agreement with the City of Newark, USA recognizing the Sovereign State of SHRIKAILASA and working towards mutual co-operation[32][33][34][35].

SHRIKAILSA_Recognitions and Proclamations
Citation-state of Maryland-Governor Harry Logan-2021.jpg
Commendation-Canada-member-of-parliament-salma zahid-2021-01-07.jpg
Kailasa's Ambassador to the Permanent Mission at the UN Ma Vijayapriya with Hon. Minister of Finance, Budget & National Planning of Nigeria, Her Excellency Mrs. Zainab Shamsuna Ahmed at the High Level Side Event to the 77th UN General Assembly.[36]

United Nations

In June 2021, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights's Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) in its 79th session published a report by disciples of Nithyananda alleging persecution of his women disciples and nuns by state and non-state actors[37][38][39]. On Dec 2nd, 2021, during the 14th session of the United Nations Forum on Minority Rights, Kailasa Nation was invited to present its case of state persecution and the attack on minority Hindu traditions in India and other countries. Kailasa submitted recommendations to protect minority traditions which included preventing hate speech in the media and judicial over-reach [40][41][42]. Kailasa has since worked with and made submissions to a number of organs of the United Nations including various Special Rapporteurs appointed by the OHCHR to monitor Human Rights abuses around the world.

SHRIKAILSA_Submissions to the United Nations
Date Organization Submitted By Event / Report Submission
28 Jan 2023 Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights: Special Procedures Kailash Union Call for input: Report of the Special Rapporteur on the sale and sexual exploitation of children, including child prostitution, child pornography and other child sexual abuse material on reparation for child victims and survivors of sale and sexual exploitation To be presented to the 52nd session of the Human Rights Council in March 2023 The weaponization of sexual violence targeting women and children especially of minority traditions such as the Hindu Aboriginal Indigenous Agricultural Tribes (AIAT)
05 Sep 2022 Committee on Enforced Disappearances Kailash Union Non-State actors and enforced disappearances in the context of the Convention of the Protection of all Persons against Enforced Disappearances Non-State actors and enforced disappearances in the context of the ASMT Community
12 Aug 2022 UN Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Opinion and Expression Kailash Union

Intl. Human Rights Council

Challenges to freedom of opinion and expression in times of conflicts and disturbances. Submitted to the 77th session of the UN General Assembly in 2022 Challenges to freedom of opinion and expression in times of conflicts and disturbances
10 Jan 2022 Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights Kailasa Nation Comprehensive approach to promoting, protecting and respecting women’s and girls’ full enjoyment of human rights in humanitarian situations Presented to the Human Rights Council at its 49th session Women’s and girls’ enjoyment of human rights in humanitarian situations
02 Dec 2021 UN Special Rapporteur on Minority Issues Kailasa Nation Conflict Prevention and the Protection of the Human Rights of Minorities Fourteenth session of the Forum on Minority Issues Kailasa Stands for Hindu Human Rights

Video Link

09 Aug 2021 UN Independent Expert on International Order Kailash Union In defence of a renewed multilateralism to address the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic and other global challenges Thematic report. A/HRC/48/58 COVID-19 and Multilateralism
30 Jul 2021 UN Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Opinion and Expression Kailash Union Report on Gender Justice and the Right to Freedom of Opinion and Expression Gender Justice and the Right to Freedom of Expression and Opinion
12 Jul 2021 UN  Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women and Girls Kailash Union Report on Femicide Presented to the General Assembly at its 76th session Prevention of Femicide: Report by the ASMT community
24 Jun 2021 Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women Kailash Union Day general discussion on “the rights of indigenous women and girls” Rights of Indigenous Women
13 Apr 2021 UN Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Opinion and Expression Nithyanandeshwara Hindu Temple Report on disinformation Presented to the 47th session of the Human Rights Council Media Disinformation in India
Launch of Kailashian Dollar gold coins and Reserve Bank of Kailasa. 22 Aug 2020[43]

Reserve Bank of Kailasa

The Reserve Bank of Kailasa was launched in August 2020 and released its official gold currency, the Kailashian dollar which is valued at 11.6638038 grams of gold.[43][44] The design of the coins were inspired by the currency of "the ancient 56 Hindu nations".[45][46] It is said that the bank would be structured on the lines of the Vatican-Bank.[47][48][49][50][51]. Kailasa's economic principles outlined on the website are based on the fundamental Hindu values of Oneness (Advaita), Non violence (Ahimsa) and the proposal of Responsibilism as an alternative to both Capitalism and Communism.

Global Services and Initiatives

Kailasa has been functioning since 1990 through a network of non-profit organizations[52] operating in over a 100 countries providing services in the realm of heath, disaster relief, education and in imparting the science of Enlightenment through the science of Yoga and Meditation. In 2020, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism ("SPH") Nithyananda Paramashivam structured the efforts of KAILASA by establishing six International Humanitarian Agencies to focus efforts for a sustainable future and to to restore and maintain global peace in alignment with United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Apart from these, Kailasa had earlier announced 108 SKUN (Sri Kailasa Uniting Nations) initiatives that address pressing issues such as Feminine Empowerment and Gender Equality, Education Reform and Development, Reproductive Health and Maternity, Global Peace and Religious Harmony, and Protection of Human Rights among others[36]. On July 19, 2022 Kailasa launched an initiative called the Ishanya Project with the goal to bring 10 million people out of poverty by collecting items which are being thrown away or wasted and in turn becoming hazardous to nature; and re-distributing them to the countries and people in need[53].

Kailasa runs the Nithyananda Hindu University based in Los Angeles, California which is mentioned on the website as the largest Hindu University in the world reaching out to more than 20 million students and learners[54]. It also runs a large number of traditional schools called Gurukuls for children and temple-monastery university complexes called Aadheenams around the world[55].

SHRIKAILASA_Humanitarian Agencies
Organization Objectives
Saffron Om Working for world peace, conflict resolution and religious freedom
Red Om Providing relief work for natural & man-made calamities, working to eliminate world hunger
Blue Om Working for animal rights and prevention of cruelty towards animals
Green Om Working for protecting the environment
Yellow Om Providing Satvidya – Yogic, ayurvedic solutions and medical care including access to libraries and knowledge
White Om Providing psychological healing, spiritual counselling and a superconscious breakthrough
Ishanya Project Bringing people out of poverty by reaching wasted resources around the globe to places of need


  1. "About SHRIKAILSA". https://gov.shrikailasa.org/about/. 
  2. 2.0 2.1 "Times of India: All you need to know about Nithyananda's own 'Hindu nation' Kailaasa". Times of India. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/all-you-need-to-know-about-nithyanandas-own-hindu-nation-kailaasa/articleshow/72361204.cms. 
  3. 3.0 3.1 "Godman Nithyananda buys island in South America, forms own nation". Indian Express. https://www.newindianexpress.com/nation/2019/dec/03/fugitive-godman-nithyananda-buys-island-in-south-america-forms-own-nation-2070916.html. 
  4. "Samasthanas and their Autonomous Status". gov.shrikailasa.org. https://gov.shrikailasa.org/hindu-samasthanas-and-their-autonomous-status/. 
  5. "Kingdoms of SHRIKAILASA". gov.shrikailasa.org. https://gov.shrikailasa.org/sosk/kingdoms/. 
  6. "Digging History : Hindu, Jain Temples Destroyed by Aurangzeb". organiser.org. https://organiser.org/2022/05/23/82166/bharat/digging-history-hindu-jain-temples-destroyed-by-aurangzeb/. >
  7. Kum B. Nivedita. "How the Education System in India was Systematically Destroyed". https://vedictribe.com/indian-history/how-the-education-system-in-india-was-systematically-destroyed/. 
  8. Rajiv Malhotra. "Infinity Foundation: Persecution of Hindu Gurus who Challenged Hinduphobia". Infinity Foundation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvcJI5yAd6M. 
  9. "Hindus under attack in Bangladesh, Pakistan, face annihilation". The Sunday Guardian. https://www.sundayguardianlive.com/news/hindus-attack-bangladesh-pakistan-face-annihilation. 
  10. "Bangladesh's Hindus living in fear following mob attacks". BBC News. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-58999047. 
  11. "Poor and Desperate, Pakistani Hindus Accept Islam to Get By". The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/04/world/asia/pakistan-hindu-conversion.html. 
  12. "The Hindu Genocide: The Untold Holocaust of Hindus". hindugenocide.com. https://hindugenocide.com/. 
  13. "Review of Kailasa, HDH Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam". gov.shrikailasa.org. https://gov.shrikailasa.org/reviver/. 
  14. "Next up, Nithyananda's Hindu parliament of Kailaasa". gulfnews.com. https://gulfnews.com/world/offbeat/next-up-nithyanandas-hindu-parliament-of-kailaasa-1.1598252805756. 
  15. "Sovereign Order of Kailasa". gov.shrikailasa.org. https://gov.shrikailasa.org/sovereignorder/. 
  16. "Departments and Agencies, GOVT. OF KAILASA". gov.shrikailasa.org. https://gov.shrikailasa.org/departments-agencies/. 
  17. "The Formation of a Nation — Kailasa". The Institute of Geographical Studies. https://tigsindia.com/kailasa-country/. 
  18. 18.0 18.1 "All You Need To Know About Swamy Nithyananda’s Mysterious Island". Metrosaga, Bangalore. https://metrosaga.com/all-you-need-to-know-about-swamy-nithyanandas-mysterious-island/. 
  19. "Kailasa: Nation Profile". gov.shrikailasa.org. https://gov.shrikailasa.org/about/nation-profile/. 
  20. "Samrajya Lakshmi Pathika". archive.org. https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.485362. 
  21. "Vision of Cosmic Constituition". gov.shrikailasa.org. https://gov.shrikailasa.org/vision-of-cosmic-constitution/. 
  22. "Swamy Nithyananda proclaims Hindu nation Kailash". The Siasat Daily. https://www.siasat.com/swamy-nithyananda-proclaims-hindu-nation-kailash-1751840/. 
  23. "Nithyananda offers 3-day visa to ‘nation’". Hindustan Times. https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/absconding-godman-nithyananda-offers-3-day-visa-to-nation/story-lnZiV5PSL07tuvOtgsZeTL.html. 
  24. "Nithyananda bans entry of Indian devotees into 'Kailasa' due to COVID-19". "Business Today, India. https://www.businesstoday.in/latest/trends/story/nithyananda-bans-entry-of-indian-devotees-into-kailasa-due-to-covid-19-294050-2021-04-22. 
  25. "2nd Meeting, 14th session of the Forum on Minority Issues. UN Web TV" (in en). https://media.un.org/en/asset/k1n/k1nlz2keec?kalturaStartTime=3806. 
  26. "SHRIKAILSA Spiritual Embassies". gov.shrikailasa.org. https://gov.shrikailasa.org/embassies/. 
  27. "The Hon. PM of Canada, Justin Trudeau, extends his greetings to those attending KAILASA Hindu Heritage Month celebration". einnews.com. https://www.einnews.com/pr_news/557233400/the-hon-pm-of-canada-justin-trudeau-extends-his-greetings-to-those-attending-kailasa-hindu-heritage-month-celebration. 
  28. "California State Senate Recognizes KAILASA and Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam, Proclaims ‘Nithyananda Day’". gov.shrikailasa.org. https://gov.shrikailasa.org/certificates-of-recognition/california-state-senate-recognizes-kailasa-and-sri-nithyananda-paramashivam-proclaims-nithyananda-day/. 
  29. "Commemorating The Flag Certificate Presented By The State Of Texas". gov.shrikailasa.org. https://gov.shrikailasa.org/proclamations/commemorating-the-flag-certificate-presented-by-the-state-of-texas/. 
  30. "Nithyananda’s representative attends House of Lords’ Diwali party on Tories invite". Indian Express. https://indianexpress.com/article/world/tories-invite-representative-fugitive-hindu-godman-nithyanandas-criticism-8320638/. 
  31. "History:SOAD and SHRIKAILASA, two diaspora nations sign cooperation agreement". State of African Diaspora. 28 Dec 2022. https://thestateofafricandiaspora.com/history-soad-and-shrikailasa-two-diaspora-states-sign-a-cooperation-agreement/. 
  32. "நித்தியானந்தாவின் கைலாசாவுடன் ஒப்பந்தம் போட்டதா அமெரிக்கா? ஒப்பந்தத்தால் என்ன பயன்?". Zee News India. 14 Jan 2023. https://zeenews.india.com/tamil/world/diaspora-states-of-kailasa-and-usa-entered-into-protocol-bilateral-agreement-428749. 
  33. "அமெரிக்கன் சிட்டி கூட ஒப்பந்தமாம்.. மாஸ் காட்டும் நித்தியானந்தா.. கைலாசா அடுத்த அப்டேட்". news18. 13 Jan 2023. https://tamil.news18.com/news/tamil-nadu/nithyananda-paramashivam-kailasa-and-the-city-of-newark-new-jersey-usa-entered-into-a-protocol-bilateral-agreement-872218.html. 
  34. "கைலாசாவை அங்கீகரித்த அமெரிக்கா –ஒப்பந்தம் கையெழுத்தானதாக நித்தியானந்தா அறிவிப்பு". news7. 13 Jan 2023. https://news7tamil.live/america-recognized-the-kailasa-and-signed-bilateral-agreement-says-nithyanada.html. 
  35. "நித்யானந்தாவின் கைலாசாவை நாடாக அங்கீகரித்த அமெரிக்க நகர நிர்வாகம்!". Daily Thanthi. 13 Jan 2023. https://www.dailythanthi.com/News/India/american-city-administration-recognized-nityanandas-kailasa-as-a-country-878004. 
  36. 36.0 36.1 "KAILASA's Permanent Ambassador to the UN hands over the Preamble to the Constitution of KAILASA to Statesmen at the 77th session of the UNGA77". Press release. https://www.24-7pressrelease.com/press-release/494708/kailasas-permanent-ambassador-to-the-un-hands-over-the-preamble-to-the-constitution-of-kailasa-to-statesmen-at-the-77th-session-of-the-unga77. 
  37. 中時新聞網. "聯合國承認印度教最高教皇 Nithyananda 和凱拉薩遭受迫害 - 國際" (in zh-Hant-TW). 中時新聞網. https://www.chinatimes.com/realtimenews/20210710000024-260408. 
  38. "Day of General Discussion on the Rights of Indigenous Women and Girls". OHCHR.org. https://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/CEDAW/Pages/DGDRightsIndigenousWomenAndGirls.aspx. 
  39. "Right of Indigenous Women: A Report by the Adi Shaivite Minority Tradition (ASMT) Hindu Community". June 2021. https://www.ohchr.org/Documents/HRBodies/CEDAW/DGD24June2021/51.docx. 
  40. "14th Forum on Minority Rights". OHCHR.org. https://hrcmeetings.ohchr.org/HRCMechanisms/ForumMinority/Pages/14th-session.aspx. 
  41. "Hindu Human Rights: Intervention by Kailasa Nation". Dec 2022. https://hrcmeetings.ohchr.org/HRCMechanisms/ForumMinority/SiteAssets/Pages/14th-session/Kailasa%20Nation.docx. 
  42. "United Nations – KAILASA Stands for the Rights of Persecuted Hindus: Forum on Minority Rights". gov.shrikailasa.org. https://gov.shrikailasa.org/briefings-statements/kailasa-stands-for-the-rights-of-persecuted-hindus-worldwide-un-presentation/. 
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  47. "Nithyananda launches Reserve Bank of Kailasa: How a fugitive rape-accused is building his own 'nation'". India Today. 2020-08-22. https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/nithyananda-reserve-bank-of-kailasa-fugitive-rape-accused-1713828-2020-08-22. 
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  53. "Ishanya Project. Helping People out of Poverty". gov.shrikailasa.org. https://kailaasa.org/ISHANYA/. 
  54. "Vedic Universities". Sarvajnapeetha Foundation. https://www.sksjp.org/projects/vedic-universities/. 
  55. "KAILASA Centers Worldwide". Kailasapedia. https://kailasapedia.org/wiki/KAILASA_Centers_Worldwide. 

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