Decision Management Solutions

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Decision Management Solutions Verified.png
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URL Decision Management Solutions
Type of site Business Consultants
Owner James Taylor
Launched 2009


Decision Management Solutions, headquartered in California, is a pioneering corporation specializing in the development of decision-centric, action-oriented systems and processes. Renowned for its expertise in decision management, business rules, and advanced analytic technologies, the company offers a comprehensive suite of training, consulting, and decision modeling software to empower organizations across diverse sectors.

As one of the original contributors to the Decision Modeling and Notation (DMN) standard, Decision Management Solutions has solidified its position as a trusted advisor to leading companies in insurance, banking, manufacturing, telecommunications, travel and leisure, health management, and retail. With a commitment to transforming businesses through strategic consulting, innovative software solutions, and extensive market research, Decision Management Solutions stands at the forefront of the decision management landscape.

The Early Years: Foundation and Innovation

Decision Management Solutions was established in 2009 in California with a vision to redefine how organizations approach decision-making. The company found its roots in the idea that decisions should be at the forefront of organizational strategies. From its inception, (DMS) focused on innovation, setting the stage for the development of decision-centric systems.

The DMN Legacy
A significant milestone in Decision Management Solutions' history was its role as one of the original submitters of the Decision Modeling and Notation (DMN) standard. This standard, which shapes how decisions are modeled and represented, solidified DMS's commitment to industry excellence and collaboration. Working alongside other key contributors such as FICO, IBM, and Oracle, the company played a pivotal role in shaping the future of decision modeling.

A Client-Centric Approach
As Decision Management Solutions grew, so did its impact on diverse sectors. The company's client roster expanded to include leading companies in insurance, banking, manufacturing, telecommunications, travel and leisure, health management, and retail. The journey with clients involved not only delivering solutions but also understanding the unique challenges each sector faced in decision management.

Client case studies and testimonials stand as a testament to how Decision Management Solutions has been instrumental in transforming businesses. The success stories highlight the tangible benefits of decision-centric, action-oriented systems implemented by DMS, showcasing the company's dedication to helping clients achieve their strategic objectives.

Training, Consulting, and Software
Decision Management Solutions offers a complete set of training, decision modeling software, and services. This holistic approach aimed to empower organizations to build their decision management capability from the ground up. The combination of consulting expertise and cutting-edge software solutions positioned DMS as a comprehensive partner in the journey towards digital transformation.

Recognizing the significance of decision management technology and application vendors, Decision Management Solutions extended its influence to provide strategic advice. The company became a reliable source for product strategy, roadmap consultation, independent validation of solutions, product reviews, and market research. This facet of DMS's services underscored its commitment to shaping the future of decision management technologies.


James Taylor is the Founder and CEO of Decision Management Solutions, he spearheads a company dedicated to elevating enterprises' business performance by automating and operationalizing customer decision-making. Taylor's visionary leadership extends to embedding predictive analytics, machine learning, and AI into organizational frameworks, facilitating the development and leverage of methodologies and technologies that render advanced decisioning both practical and impactful.

Taylor's commitment to the field is not only evident in his executive role but also in his multifaceted contributions as a published author and dynamic speaker. His written works, including "Digital Decisioning: Using Decision Management to Deliver Business Impact from AI," "Real-World Decision Modeling with DMN," "Decision Management Systems," and "Smart (Enough) Systems," underscore his thought leadership and authority in the intricacies of decision management.

At the core of Taylor's specialties lies Digital Decisioning, a domain where he excels in guiding enterprises through the complexities of decision management, decision automation, AI, machine learning, analytics, and business rules. His adeptness in decision modeling with DMN (Decision Model and Notation) showcases a nuanced understanding of how to translate business decisions into a standardized and visually expressive format, ensuring clarity and precision in implementation.

Beyond his technical prowess, Taylor's proficiency extends to product architecture, strategy, and platform design. His keen insights into IP development, development processes, and interaction design underscore his holistic approach to driving innovation and efficiency in the digital decisioning landscape.

As a speaker, Taylor brings his wealth of knowledge and experience to life, captivating audiences with insights that bridge the gap between theory and practical application. His engaging presentations demystify complex concepts, making them accessible to a broad audience and empowering businesses to navigate the evolving landscape of AI, machine learning, and decision management.

In the ever-evolving field of technology, Taylor's foresight has positioned Decision Management Solutions at the forefront of innovation. His strategic guidance as CEO and his thought leadership have propelled the company to remarkable heights, earning it recognition as a trailblazer in the realm of decision-centric, action-oriented systems.

Headquarters and Office

Situated in the heart of California, Decision Management Solutions' headquarters exudes a blend of innovation and professionalism. The office, strategically designed to foster collaboration and creativity, reflects the company's commitment to a dynamic work environment. With modern amenities and state-of-the-art technology, the headquarters serves as a hub for decision management experts, providing them with the ideal space to conceptualize, develop, and implement cutting-edge solutions. The vibrant atmosphere mirrors the company's ethos, fostering a sense of community and dedication among the talented individuals who contribute to Decision Management Solutions' success.


Decision Management Solutions sets itself apart through its strategic consulting services, offering tailored guidance to enterprises seeking to navigate the intricate landscape of decision management, business rules, and advanced analytics. Our seasoned experts collaborate closely with clients to understand their unique challenges and objectives, providing actionable insights and roadmaps to optimize decision-centric systems. Through a meticulous approach, we empower organizations to make informed choices, driving business impact and fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

Training Workshops:
At Decision Management Solutions, we recognize the transformative power of knowledge. Our training workshops are crafted to equip individuals and teams with the skills necessary to excel in decision management. Led by industry experts, these workshops cover a spectrum of topics, from foundational concepts to advanced techniques in decision modeling, business rules, and digital decisioning. By fostering a learning environment that combines theory with practical application, we empower participants to implement effective decision strategies and contribute to the success of their organizations.

Decision Modeling with DMN:
Decision modeling lies at the core of effective decision management, and Decision Management Solutions excels in providing specialized services in Decision Model and Notation (DMN). We guide organizations in translating complex business decisions into clear, visual models using DMN standards. This structured approach enhances communication, accelerates decision-making processes, and facilitates seamless integration of decision models into operational systems. Through Decision Modeling with DMN, we empower businesses to articulate and implement decisions with precision and agility.

Vendor Services:
Recognizing the significance of decision management technology and application vendors, Decision Management Solutions offers comprehensive vendor services. Our expertise extends to providing strategic advice on product strategy and roadmaps, conducting independent validations of solutions, offering product reviews, and contributing to independent market research. By leveraging our deep understanding of the decision management landscape, we assist vendors in refining their offerings, ensuring alignment with industry trends, and ultimately enhancing the value they deliver to their clients.

Award Listings

Decision Management Solutions proudly boasts an impressive array of accolades, including recognition as an Aragon Research Hot Vendor in Digital Business Platforms in 2017. Additionally, the company holds esteemed partnerships, such as IBM Silver Business Partner, FICO Business Partner, and InRule Business Partner. DMS has also secured placements in esteemed Gartner and Forrester listings, affirming its industry excellence.


Harvard Business Review

External Links
