Vibhor Arora

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Vibhor Arora Verified.png
Picture of Vibhor Arora
Born May 15, 1991
Residence India
Nationality Indian
Education Master’s in Business
Occupation Digital Marketer and Entrepreneur
Known for Digital Marketer
Home town India

Vibhor Arora, born on May 15, 1991, is a digital marketer and blogger who embarked on his digital marketing journey in 2019. He has initiated two distinct blogging platforms: ''[1] where he delves into topics such as spirituality, meditation, and personal growth; and his personal blog, ''[2] where he shares his firsthand experiences, particularly those related to the realms of digital marketing and artificial intelligence (AI).

Early Life

Vibhor Arora, the youngest child, was born in Ludhiana, Punjab, into a family facing financial constraints and enduring considerable hardship. Growing up in such circumstances, Vibhor was determined to explore various avenues, driven by the aspiration to improve both his and his family's quality of life.


Vibhor Arora attended a private school under the CBSE board during his primary education. In 2013, he earned a Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com) degree from Panjab University, Chandigarh, India. Subsequently, in 2016, he completed a Master's in Business Administration (MBA) with a specialization in international business, focusing on import and export, from Sikkim Manipal University, India.


In the transformative year of 2020, Vibhor Arora embarked on a profound spiritual odyssey that would forever alter the course of his life. This journey began with a deep dive into meditation, a practice that would become the cornerstone of his spiritual awakening.

As Vibhor delved deeper into meditation, he soon found himself on an extraordinary path of self-discovery and connection with the cosmos. It was during these moments of profound inner stillness that he experienced something truly extraordinary—direct communication with the Universe itself. This communion with the cosmic forces initiated a profound shift in his consciousness.

Through these experiences, Vibhor Arora underwent a remarkable metamorphosis, evolving into a person deeply intertwined with the intricate tapestry of the universe. He developed a profound understanding that transcended the superficial layers of everyday life, unlocking an intimate connection with the universe's underlying essence.

Intrigued by the mysteries of existence, Vibhor dedicated himself to the rigorous study of cosmology. He delved into the profound questions surrounding the universe's birth, pondering the enigmatic journey from a cosmic void to the complexity of life as we know it. His exploration led him to appreciate the elegant beauty of the cosmos and its role in shaping the very fabric of reality.

In his quest for a genuine connection with the universe, Vibhor committed to daily meditation practices. These rituals not only brought him inner peace and clarity but also facilitated a profound and unfiltered communion with the cosmos. Through these meditative sessions, he transcended the boundaries of conventional thought, forging an authentic connection that defied societal constructs and norms.

Vibhor Arora's spiritual journey is a testament to the transformative power of meditation and the profound connection that can be forged with the universe when one embarks on a path of self-discovery and cosmic exploration. His experiences continue to shape his perspective, driving him to share his insights and spiritual revelations with others, all while fostering a deeper connection with the universal processes that govern our existence.


Vibhor Arora commenced his professional journey in 2013, embarking on a path that would ultimately lead him to a fulfilling career in digital marketing. He began humbly, taking on various small jobs to gain practical experience and a real-world perspective. These early experiences served as a valuable foundation for his future endeavors.

As he navigated the diverse landscape of employment opportunities, Vibhor's career trajectory underwent several shifts and transitions. These experiences not only honed his skills but also provided him with a well-rounded perspective on the world of work.

One of the pivotal moments in Vibhor's career came when he recognized the vast potential of digital marketing. His fascination with leveraging the power of the internet to connect with audiences and drive results fueled his decision to specialize in this dynamic and rapidly evolving field.

Along the way, Vibhor had the privilege of learning from some of the industry's foremost experts. He completed digital marketing training under the guidance of notable figures such as Deepak Kanakaraju, Sanjay Shenoy, Saurabh Bhatnagar, and Rahul Bhatnagar. These interactions enriched his knowledge and skills, further enhancing his proficiency in the digital marketing domain.

Vibhor Arora's professional journey also led him to become a valued member of the IMSuccess community, overseen by the renowned YouTuber, Himmesh Madaan. His involvement with this influential community has provided him with a sense of pride and belonging, as well as the opportunity to collaborate with like-minded individuals in the pursuit of excellence.

Throughout his career, Vibhor has had the privilege of participating in major projects and initiatives that have not only showcased his expertise but have also delivered meaningful results. His contributions to the digital marketing landscape continue to be recognized, and he has garnered accolades and honors for his outstanding achievements.

Vibhor Arora's journey from a humble start to a successful career in digital marketing reflects his passion, dedication, and continuous pursuit of excellence. His experiences have not only shaped his professional identity but also inspired him to share his knowledge and insights with others in the field.

Philanthropy or Activism

Vibhor Arora is not only dedicated to his professional journey but is also deeply committed to making a positive impact on society through philanthropy and charitable work. His involvement in various charitable organizations reflects his unwavering commitment to noble causes.

Vibhor actively supports organizations dedicated to the rescue and welfare of animals, exemplifying his compassion for the well-being of all living beings.

In addition to his work with animal welfare organizations, Vibhor Arora has been actively involved in initiatives aimed at helping those less fortunate. His dedication to creating meaningful change in the lives of needy individuals underscores his commitment to social betterment.

Vibhor's philanthropic journey is a testament to his belief in the power of collective action to bring about positive change. His active engagement with various charities and social causes showcases his dedication to making the world a better place, one meaningful act at a time.

Media Appearance

Vibhor Arora's presence in the media has been marked by notable appearances that showcase his achievements and contributions. One noteworthy instance was his feature in 'The Tribune'[3] in 2018 during his tenure with a prominent brand. This feature highlighted Vibhor's innovative approach to business and his successful collaboration with the brand, providing valuable insights into his journey.

The experience of being featured in 'The Tribune' was a milestone in Vibhor's career, underscoring his ability to navigate the business landscape effectively and make a meaningful impact. This media recognition served as a testament to his dedication and innovative thinking, offering a glimpse into his journey of growth and accomplishment.

Personal Life

In his personal life, Vibhor Arora is a person of diverse interests that reflect his pursuit of self-discovery and personal growth. One of his most cherished activities is deep meditation, a practice that allows him to delve into the depths of his own consciousness and gain profound insights into the human experience.

Vibhor is an avid reader of self-help literature, constantly seeking knowledge and inspiration from the written word. He also immerses himself in the world of podcasts, exploring a wide range of topics that expand his horizons and provide fresh perspectives on various aspects of life.

A notable facet of Vibhor's personal life is his passion for travel. He has embraced the digital nomad lifestyle, a choice that allows him to work from virtually anywhere in the world. This unique way of life enables him to explore new cultures, gain diverse experiences, and broaden his understanding of the global community.

Vibhor Arora's personal interests and hobbies are a reflection of his commitment to self-improvement and his passion for experiencing the richness of life. His journey of self-discovery extends beyond his professional achievements, encompassing a diverse array of experiences that contribute to his holistic growth and fulfillment.


  3. The Tribune