Knee pain

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Knee pain is a common complaint that affects people of all ages. It can be caused by a wide range of factors, including injury, overuse, and underlying medical conditions. Knee pain can be localized to one specific area or can be diffuse, affecting the entire joint.[1]


Knee pain can be caused by a number of factors, including:[2]

  • Injuries: Injuries to the knee, such as ligament tears, meniscal tears, and fractures, can cause knee pain. These injuries can occur as a result of sports, falls, or accidents.
  • Overuse: Overuse of the knee joint, such as repetitive bending or kneeling, can cause knee pain. This is common in professions that require extended periods of standing, such as construction workers or nurses.
  • Medical conditions: A variety of medical conditions can cause knee pain, including arthritis, gout, and infections.
  • Obesity: Being overweight puts extra stress on the knee joint, which can lead to knee pain.
  • Aging: As people age, the knee joint may begin to deteriorate, which can lead to knee pain.


The symptoms of knee pain can vary depending on the cause and severity of the pain. Common symptoms include:[3]

  1. Pain in and around the knee joint
  2. Swelling and stiffness in the knee
  3. Difficulty standing, walking, or climbing stairs
  4. Popping or cracking sounds when moving the knee
  5. Redness and warmth around the knee


The treatment for knee pain depends on the cause and severity of the pain.[4] Common treatments include:[5]

  • Rest: Resting the knee can help to reduce pain and inflammation.
  • Ice and heat therapy: Alternating between ice and heat therapy can help to reduce pain and swelling.
  • Physical therapy: Physical therapy can help to strengthen the muscles around the knee joint, which can reduce pain and improve mobility.
  • Medications: Over-the-counter pain relievers, such as ibuprofen, can help to reduce pain and inflammation. In more severe cases, prescription medications may be necessary.
  • Surgery: In some cases, surgery may be necessary to repair or replace damaged tissues in the knee joint.


There are several steps that can be taken to prevent knee pain, including:[6]

  1. Maintaining a healthy weight to reduce stress on the knee joint
  2. Wearing appropriate shoes for physical activity
  3. Avoiding activities that put excessive stress on the knee joint
  4. Practicing good posture to avoid placing unnecessary stress on the knee joint
  5. Strengthening the muscles around the knee joint through regular exercise


Overall, knee pain is a common problem that can be caused by a variety of factors. Proper diagnosis and treatment are important for managing knee pain and preventing further damage to the knee joint.[7] By taking steps to prevent knee pain, individuals can reduce their risk of developing this painful condition.


  1. Knee Pain Location Chart
  2. What Causes Knee Pain? - Fivali
  3. Why Does My Knee Hurt - Fivali
  4. Approach to chronic anterior knee pain
  5. How to Strengthen Knees - Fivali
  6. How to Get Rid of Knee Pain Fast? - Fivali
  7. Musculoskeletal disorders and diseases