Sean Cash Viper Cigar Waden

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Sean cash viper cigar waden born 1/12/2005 is an australian athlete, street fighter, sex master, dinosaur tamer, planet conqueror and rizz lord. when he was three months old he was speaking perfect english and exclusively wore five piece suits. when he turned five he founded the US government, he also canonically fucked mother nature in front of father time. upon turning eight he prevented Ultron from assembling his robot army by spitting bars that were so fire and ultimately won the rap battle forcing the tyrant to retreat. At age 10 he single-handedly separated the rogue nation of Tasmania from the mainland of Australia making it the islands of inbreeds it is today and found the lost city of Old Zealand and all its treasures. he successfully competed in 50 reading compeitions where he came first every single time, even though his teammates hated him. to this day Sean lives a more peaceful life on his home planet of krypton still reading books in hopes one day his teammates will like him.

Quotes "lick my balls" "nah" "Know thy self, know thy enemy" "fuck off amy stop editing my page" "omg slayyyyyyy"

References the bible homie, ur mum