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i18next logo

Jan Mühlemann

Adriano Raiano
Stable release v23.4.6 (25 August 2023; 9 months ago (2023-08-25))[1]
Written in JavaScript
Operating system Cross-platform
Type Internationalization (i18n) framework
License MIT License[2]
Website i18next.com

i18next is a fully-fledged internationalization framework[3] written in and for JavaScript. It's a library that can be integrated into any application code.[4] It provides a complete method for product localization and other standard i18n features.[5] It can be used with Node.js, Deno,[6] PHP, IOS, Android, and other platforms.[7] i18next feels like “learn once - translate everywhere.”[8]


I18next was created by its open source creators Jan Mühlemann and Adriano Raiano[6] in 2011, because they were in search of an internalization library that allows it to run both on server-side Node.js and client-side single-page applications. Other i18n frameworks were limited to choose from and if existing bound to JQuery usage. So that's for the motivation I18next was born and has grown to be one of the most used[9] frameworks for translating web applications. In 2015, version 2 was released with a complete rebuild of i18next, which react-i18next was later on introduced.[10] While i18next provides a flexible and powerful translation engine, the react-i18next offers hooks and components for managing translations in React components.[11]

After creating i18next, the same creators founded a new service called locize. The localization as a service is a translation management system built around the i18next ecosystem.[6]


I18next provides the following:

  • Flexible connection to a backend
  • Optional caching, user language detection
  • Proper pluralizations
  • Translation context
  • Nesting, variable replacement
  • Flexibility: Use it everywhere[6]

How it works

This illustration shows how the i18next ecosystem works

At first glance, i18next may seem like a simple key/translation dictionary, but it's actually a sophisticated and highly adaptable i18n framework with extensive capabilities. It goes beyond standard features, offering translation sources, language detection, plural form handling, caching, post processing, and more.[12][13][14]


  1. "Release v23.4.6". 2023-08-22. https://github.com/i18next/i18next/releases/tag/v23.4.6. 
  2. "i18next LICENSE". https://github.com/i18next/i18next/blob/master/LICENSE. 
  3. Lindberg, Oliver (2020-05-25). "Internationalization: Practical Tips to Build for a Global Audience" (in en). https://www.shopify.com/partners/blog/internationalization. 
  4. Cizmar, Jan (2022-09-08). "What is the difference between i18n and i18next?" (in en). https://tolgee.io/blog/difference-between-i18n-and-i18next. 
  5. Krukowski, Ilya (2023-03-31). "Go Global with React and i18next: A Comprehensive Tutorial for Internationalizing Your React App" (in en-US). https://lokalise.com/blog/how-to-internationalize-react-application-using-i18next/. 
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 "Contributors to i18next/i18next" (in en). https://github.com/i18next/i18next. 
  7. "Introduction - i18next documentation". 2023-08-15. https://web.archive.org/web/20230815101235/https:/www.i18next.com/. 
  8. Ashour, Mohammad (2020-09-04). "A Guide to React Localization with i18next" (in en-US). https://phrase.com/blog/posts/localizing-react-apps-with-i18next/. 
  9. "i18next vs intl-messageformat vs react-i18next vs react-intl | npm trends" (in en). https://npmtrends.com/i18next-vs-intl-messageformat-vs-react-i18next-vs-react-intl. 
  10. "The history of i18next". https://www.i18next.com/misc/the-history-of-i18next. 
  11. "React localization with i18next and react-i18next libraries" (in en). 2023-07-27. https://www.bigbinary.com/blog/react-localization. 
  12. GmbH, inweso. "locize - The Translation Management for i18next" (in en). https://locize.com/. 
  13. Zakharov, Vova. "160+ translation terms you should know: The translation industry glossary" (in en). https://www.smartcat.com/blog/translation-industry-terms/. 
  14. "Top 21 React Libraries Gems Every Developer Needs To Discover in 2023" (in en). 2023-05-03. https://www.customerly.io/blog/top-21-react-libraries-gems-every-developer-needs-to-discover-in-2023/.