BSc in Business Studies: School of Business and Trade, Switzerland

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School of Business and Trade offers a self-study, quality, online, tuition-free education. Programmes are flexible and can be started at any time. Instead of the traditional way of studying for several years, study at your own pace and save time and money.

Free online programmes, learning resources, and online assessments are what make our programmes so unique and interesting.

School of Business and Trade was formed in January 2011 to promote education without boundaries and regardless of background. Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states: ‘Everyone has the right to education and it shall be equally accessible.’ SoBaT currently offers several tuition-free programmes to suit anyone interested in higher education.

Nowadays, accredited and quality education is very costly. Universities charge thousands of dollars. Fundamentally, further education is very expensive for most people and, therefore, they cannot contemplate higher studies. SoBaT offers a ray of hope for struggling students who cannot spend thousands of dollars to gain the qualification they desire.


Accreditation comes with a high price tag. Accreditation agencies charge enormous fees upfront and ongoing to label an institution as accredited, and then accredited institutions pass these costs on to their students and charge them thousands of dollars. As a tuition-free school, SoBaT cannot passes on the expenses to the students and therefore cannot afford to pay such fees to the accreditation agencies.

SoBaT believes in educating people without forcing them to pay a fortune. As a result, we chose to stay an independent online business school and are not dependent on any external organization. We aim to remain a free school for students around the world.

There is no universal recognition of any credential globally as it is the discretion of an employer, company, or institution to accept or reject any credential.

However, all education is useful and something that cannot be taken away from the person who earned it.

Recognition of SoBaT Qualifications

The following is the abstract of the statement of State Secretariat for Education and Research, Federal Department of Home Affairs, Switzerland on the validity of degrees issued by private institutions in Switzerland.

The original statement can be viewed on the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs website.

“private institutions were created mainly for the purpose of servicing international students and are not part of Switzerland’s public higher education sector”.

“As a general rule, in Switzerland no prior authorisation is required in order to offer higher education courses, organise examinations or issue private degrees”.

“Private institutions that are not part of Switzerland’s public higher education sector, are not compatible with it, or are not entirely supervised by public authorities offer a different, but not necessarily lower, level of quality. There are several prestigious private institutions that are entirely independent from Switzerland’s public higher education sector”.

“For unregulated professions (e.g. managers, journalists, etc.), it is up to employers to decide whether to “recognise” the value of a degree”.

“Private institutions based in Switzerland that are not accredited as HEIs by the Swiss University Conference (SUK) may only issue private degrees”. Such degrees:

may be used by the holder to carry out an unregulated profession; appreciation of the value of private degrees is left up to employers”.

“Generally speaking, there are no international agreements protecting the value of private degrees; in all cases, it is up to the national authorities in the host country to decide whether to recognise foreign qualifications”.

“Private institutions are able to legitimately carry out their activities in Switzerland by virtue of the principle of economic freedom”.

Legalisation / Verification / Authentication / Notarisation

Some countries require legalisation / verification / authentication / notarisation of the foreign degrees. The School of Business and Trade does not offer such services so please do not contact us.

Now the question is how can that be done? Please follow the given instructions outlined below.

       First, get a printout of your PDF certificate through a colour laser printer.
       Make a photocopy of your printed certificate.
       Take this to any notary public or authorised department to get this certified.
       If they need to verify the certificate, they can verify it on our website or through email.

Vision Statement

The School of Business and Trade vision statement is: ‘Quality and tuition-free education for all.’

Reference: 1.