Cyclops (comics)

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Marvel Comics character
Cyclops art
Species Human mutant
Alter ego

Scott Summers


Energy projection

Cyclops is a fictional character from Marvel Comics.

Fictional biography

Scott Summers was the older of the two sons of Major Christopher Summers, a test pilot in the U. S. Air Force. When Scott was a child, Major Summers flew himself, his wife Katherine, and his sons Scott and Alex back from a vacation in his vintage private plane. The plane was attacked and set ablaze by a scout ship from the alien Shi'ar Empire. Katherine pushed Scott and Alex out the plane door with the only available parachute. The parachute was unable to slow their fall sufficiently to prevent Scott from suffering a head injury on landing. (The injury damaged the part of Scott's brain that would have enabled him to control his optic blasts.)

The two boys were separated by the authorities: Alex was adopted, but Scott remained comatose in a hospital for a year. Christopher and Katharine were believed dead. (Actually, they were taken prisoner by the Shi'ar; Katharine soon died but Christopher later became Corsair, leader of the Starjammers, a band of interstellar adventurers.)

On recovering, Scott was placed in an orphanage in Omaha, Nebraska that was secretly controlled by his future enemy Mister Sinister. Years later, as a teenager, Scott began to suffer from severe headaches and eyestrain. He was sent to an eye specialist in Washington, D. C., who discovered that lenses made of ruby quartz corrected the problem. While Scott was visiting a large city, his developing mutant power to project optic force beams finally erupted, bursting forth in an uncontrollable blast that demolished a crane, causing it to drop a huge object towards a terrified crowd. Scott saved the crowd by obliterating the object with another blast, but they turned into an angry mob, thinking he had tried to kill them. Scott fled, ultimately escaping on a freight train.

Professor Charles Xavier and F.B.I. agent Fred Duncan joined forces in their mutual attempt to find Scott. Meanwhile, a mutant known as Jack O' Diamonds, and later as the Living Diamond, forced the frightened boy to aid him in his crimes. Xavier rescued Scott from the Living Diamond and enlisted him as the first member of the team of young mutants he would teach in using their powers, the X-Men.

This page contains conversions of the fictional character Cyclops written for the Hero System:


This is a 250 point Hero System 4th edition version of Cyclops by Mathew Ignash.[1]

|VALUE CHARACTERISTIC COST BASE  PTS|NAME: Scott Summers                     |
|   13 Strength         x1    10   3|HERO ID: Cyclops                        |
|   14 Dexterity        x3    10  12|PLAYER:                                 |
|   18 Constitution     x2    10  16|----------------------------------------+
|   13 Body             x2    10   6| PTS             POWERS              END|
|   13 Intelligence     x1    10   3|  70 8D6 EB,0 END(+1/2),Personal        |
|   20 Ego              x2    10  20|     Immunity(+1/4)                    0|
|   18 Presence         x1    10   8|   5 9 Mental Defense                   |
|   14 Comeliness       x1/2  10   2|     ==Skills==                         |
|    8 Physical Defens  x1     3   5|   3 Breakfall 12-                      |
|    8 Energy Defense   x1     4   4|   3 Combat Piloting 12-                |
|    4 Speed            x10  2.4  16|   4 M Strike                           |
|    8 Recovery         x2     7   2|   4 Martial Dodge                      |
|   36 Endurance        x1/2  36   0|   4 Martial Disarm                     |
|   29 Stun             x1    29   0|   3 Mechanics 11-                      |
|       Characteristics Cost:     97|   3 Navigation 11-                     |
+-----------------------------------+   3 Survival 11-                       |
|DISADVANTAGES         BASE: 100+PTS|   3 Systems Operation 12-              |
|Accidental Chg,"EB fires if he   20|   3 Tactics 12-                        |
| has open eyes without visor",     |   2 TF,Air Vehicles                    |
| common,occur 14-                  |     ==Equipment==                      |
|Distinctive,"Wears red goggles    5|   8 4/4 Armor,OIF(-1/2)                |
| or glasses all the time",         |  22 5D6 EB,OAF(-1),Personal            |
| easily concealable,minor          |     Immunity(+1/4),0 END(+1/2)        0|
|Distinctive,"Detects as a        10|   7 12- Find Weakness,Desc: Energy     |
| mutant",easily concealable,       |     Blast,OAF(-1)                      |
| major                             |   6 6 Levels: Energy Blast,OAF(-1)     |
|Hunted,"Various mutant           20|     Name: Scott Summers                |
| hunters",as powerful,             |     Species: Human mutant              |
| non-combat influence,harsh,       |     Gender: Male                       |
| appear 11-                        |     Team: X-Men                        |
|Normal Stats                     20|                                        |
|Physical Lim,"Color blind",       5|                                        |
| infrequently,slightly             |                                        |
|Physical Lim,"Looses powers if   10|                                        |
| kept away from sunlight for       |                                        |
| days",infrequently,greatly        |                                        |
|Psych Lim,"Feels responsible     15|                                        |
| for the other X-Men",common,      |                                        |
| strong                            |                                        |
|Psych Lim,"In love with          15|                                        |
| Phoenix",common,strong            |                                        |
|Rep,"Mutant hero",occur 8-        5|                                        |
|Rivalry,"Wolverine",              5|                                        |
| professional                      |                                        |
|Secret ID,"Scott Summers"        15|                                        |
|Watched,"Professor X",as          5|                                        |
| powerful,non-combat influence,    |                                        |
| mild,appear 8-                    |                                        |
|                                   |                                        |
|                                   |                                        |
|                                   |                                        |
|                                   |                                        |
|                                   |                                        |
|                                   |                                        |
|                                   |                                        |
|                                   |                                        |
|                                   |                                        |
|                                   |                                        |
|          Disadvantages Total : 150| 153 : Powers Total                     |
|             Experience Spent +   0|  97 + Characteristic Total             |
|                 Total Points = 250| 250 = Total Cost                       |


External links