Cyclops (comics)

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Marvel Comics character
Cyclops art
Species Human mutant
Alter ego

Scott Summers


Energy projection

This page contains conversions of the fictional character Cyclops written for the Hero System:

250 point

This is a 250 point Hero System 4th edition version of Cyclops by Mathew Ignash.[1]

|VALUE CHARACTERISTIC COST BASE  PTS|NAME: Scott Summers                     |
|   13 Strength         x1    10   3|HERO ID: Cyclops                        |
|   14 Dexterity        x3    10  12|PLAYER:                                 |
|   18 Constitution     x2    10  16|----------------------------------------+
|   13 Body             x2    10   6| PTS             POWERS              END|
|   13 Intelligence     x1    10   3|  70 8D6 EB,0 END(+1/2),Personal        |
|   20 Ego              x2    10  20|     Immunity(+1/4)                    0|
|   18 Presence         x1    10   8|   5 9 Mental Defense                   |
|   14 Comeliness       x1/2  10   2|     ==Skills==                         |
|    8 Physical Defens  x1     3   5|   3 Breakfall 12-                      |
|    8 Energy Defense   x1     4   4|   3 Combat Piloting 12-                |
|    4 Speed            x10  2.4  16|   4 M Strike                           |
|    8 Recovery         x2     7   2|   4 Martial Dodge                      |
|   36 Endurance        x1/2  36   0|   4 Martial Disarm                     |
|   29 Stun             x1    29   0|   3 Mechanics 11-                      |
|       Characteristics Cost:     97|   3 Navigation 11-                     |
+-----------------------------------+   3 Survival 11-                       |
|DISADVANTAGES         BASE: 100+PTS|   3 Systems Operation 12-              |
|Accidental Chg,"EB fires if he   20|   3 Tactics 12-                        |
| has open eyes without visor",     |   2 TF,Air Vehicles                    |
| common,occur 14-                  |     ==Equipment==                      |
|Distinctive,"Wears red goggles    5|   8 4/4 Armor,OIF(-1/2)                |
| or glasses all the time",         |  22 5D6 EB,OAF(-1),Personal            |
| easily concealable,minor          |     Immunity(+1/4),0 END(+1/2)        0|
|Distinctive,"Detects as a        10|   7 12- Find Weakness,Desc: Energy     |
| mutant",easily concealable,       |     Blast,OAF(-1)                      |
| major                             |   6 6 Levels: Energy Blast,OAF(-1)     |
|Hunted,"Various mutant           20|     Name: Scott Summers                |
| hunters",as powerful,             |     Species: Human mutant              |
| non-combat influence,harsh,       |     Gender: Male                       |
| appear 11-                        |     Team: X-Men                        |
|Normal Stats                     20|                                        |
|Physical Lim,"Color blind",       5|                                        |
| infrequently,slightly             |                                        |
|Physical Lim,"Looses powers if   10|                                        |
| kept away from sunlight for       |                                        |
| days",infrequently,greatly        |                                        |
|Psych Lim,"Feels responsible     15|                                        |
| for the other X-Men",common,      |                                        |
| strong                            |                                        |
|Psych Lim,"In love with          15|                                        |
| Phoenix",common,strong            |                                        |
|Rep,"Mutant hero",occur 8-        5|                                        |
|Rivalry,"Wolverine",              5|                                        |
| professional                      |                                        |
|Secret ID,"Scott Summers"        15|                                        |
|Watched,"Professor X",as          5|                                        |
| powerful,non-combat influence,    |                                        |
| mild,appear 8-                    |                                        |
|                                   |                                        |
|                                   |                                        |
|                                   |                                        |
|                                   |                                        |
|                                   |                                        |
|                                   |                                        |
|                                   |                                        |
|                                   |                                        |
|                                   |                                        |
|                                   |                                        |
|          Disadvantages Total : 150| 153 : Powers Total                     |
|             Experience Spent +   0|  97 + Characteristic Total             |
|                 Total Points = 250| 250 = Total Cost                       |
