Guantanamo's soccer field

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In 2012 authorities at the Guantanamo Bay detention camps announced the completion of a secure field where captives could play soccer.[1] The field stirred controversy over its cost -- approximately $750,000 USD. Camp officials asserted that it was cheaper to construct a new secure field near the existing camps than to transport and guard captives at any of the bases unsecure fields.

Camp authorities described the field as approximately half the size of a field for playing American football. The field is ringed by a high wire fence. The fence is lined to make sure the captives can't see out. The field is equipped with guard towers.

Fox News quoted Congressional Representative Ted Poe description the field[1]:

"A swanky high-dollar soccer field for criminal terrorist detainees at Gitmo. And of course, Americans are picking up the $750,000 tab for the recreation facilities for these criminals ... These radicals should be doing hard time, not soccer time. Our government has no business building this tropical Caribbean recreation facility for terrorists. It is disrespectful and insulting to all who are victims of these killers. What's next at this terrorist playground? A tiki hut and bar on the beach?"[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Catherine Herridge (2012-03-03). "GOP lawmakers criticize $750,000 Gitmo soccer field". Fox News. Retrieved 2015-02-07. "At least four House members and one staffer from the Senate appropriations committee have pushed the Department of Defense for answers on the new soccer field for detainees at Camp 6 in Guantanamo Bay."