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Students don't have to buy an essay themselves to know that such services exist. It is no surprise that custom writing agencies are in the limelight these days. If there is demand, there will always be supply. As a natural result, the number of writing companies has skyrocketed since the 2000s.

The fast-paced environment has only made essay mills better off compared to how such agencies operated during the previous century. Writing practices existed long before the 21st century. From a simple shared space where students exchanged works labeled as their own, it has transformed into a by-post service. A client ordered work and got it via post. The invention and advancement of the Internet have changed everything - businesses spawned, which led people to remain at home and get fully-fledged works without having to move a finger.

But what are the reasons for such solid demand? Is it really necessary to order from academic agencies? What are the benefits? There are dozens of questions that arise when thinking about essay writing companies. Just as there are stacks of answers. Since the industry is vast and thousands of students employ such services, it is hard to point out all the reasons for ordering from writing agencies.

The majority of students who use such agencies state that they usually order short assignments, such as 5-page essays. The reason is simple and straightforward.

"We want to complete our weekly assignments on time to work or recharge our batteries from a constant flow of tasks," declare the group of students that preferred to remain anonymous. They also say that they turn to academic services even if their assignments are short and supposedly easily done. Many students work, so they don't have sufficient time to deal with the tasks themselves, even when those are nothing but a one-page statement or a short test.

And it seems that such a strategy pays off, as student clients get the grades they want to receive when they decide to delegate their homework and buy an essay. That is, ghostwritten paper usually scores an A or a B, which can't leave customers dissatisfied. According to the essay writing service manager, lower grades are also possible, but it has nothing to do with the writers' finesse. The manager says that the root cause for getting a grade lower than A or B is the lack of instructions when placing orders.

"The reason for this is that assigned writers simply don't have all the course materials clients attach. Professors pay close attention to sources students use. Indeed, they appreciate when outside materials are added. But it is vital to work with the course materials above all," says the CEO.

Two Camps Of Opposite Attitudes Every notion has its advocates and opposers, and essay ghostwriting is by no means an exception. People are entitled to their multifaceted opinions. When it comes to essay writing services, there are two camps: those who dislike such agencies and want to ban them permanently and those who find academic writing companies acceptable and even necessary, especially during a global pandemic.

Professors' Attitude Toward Essay Mills Professors, as well as educational institutions, are entirely against essay writing companies. Labeling the whole industry as "contract cheating," they strive to eradicate each and every writing agency. Colleges and universities realize that it is now easier than ever to buy an essay.

Students don't have to spend a lot of time looking for someone to write their paper. In fact, they now can choose the agency that suits them the best in a span of several minutes. And with recent marketing campaigns, it comes as no surprise, as the abundance of such companies is overwhelming. A college freshman confirms that.

"The deadline was approaching, and it was very intimidating. Not only did I not want to write the assignment, but I also didn't know how to write it correctly. I used to be among the best students in high school. And I didn't want to become the worst one in college." She explained her frustration with a post on Facebook. "It was a simple message, such as, 'I wish somebody helped me complete my assignments!'" she casts her mind back. Several minutes after, she gets bombarded with messages along the lines of, "We can easily do this for you. Send us the topic and the instructions!"

Professors are afraid that this tendency will result in a prevalent number of students who don't want to study but feel entitled to a diploma. They claim that in the past, people turned to academic services because they worked part-time and lacked time to handle all the assignments.

"Students placed orders with such agencies realizing they wouldn't submit their works on time," says a Chicago State University professor. "Nowadays, though, students order papers because they simply don't want to work hard and integrate with the community," he adds.

"We have to eliminate this essay mill monster before it is too late for that," explains Ashley Finley, senior adviser to the president for the Association of American Colleges and Universities. She says that the practice to buy an essay is not new, but its results ring a bell and force institutions to declare war on contract cheating. Researchers empirically identified that over 20 percent of students have hired a writer to get their work done. And the number of such students is rising exponentially.

In cooperation with educational institutions, the Turnitin plagiarism software has recently stated that it takes the process of getting rid of essay mills to a whole new level. The company has launched a new program called Authorship Investigate. Its primary purpose is to learn the metadata of the file submitted to teachers.

"Sometimes, it is enough to briefly inspect the document and see when it was created, how many times it was edited, opened, and how it was called at the very beginning," Bill Loller, the company's vice president, says. Coupled with checking the student's writing style, it (Authorship Investigate app) will determine whether the writer is an authentic author or not. "We are hoping to boost the program's accuracy in the nearest future," Loller adds.

The question "what can colleges and universities actually do?" may arise. Even though dozens of U.S. states have prepared laws for making essay mills prohibited and under the law, they can't really forbid them. The thing is, such writing agencies are based in Kenya, India, and other countries located in Eastern Europe, which makes it impossible for the United States to prosecute such services. However, the country, colleges, and universities can at least try banning them. And the recent case with YouTubers who promoted writing services and encouraged their viewers to buy an essay went notoriously viral-both for so-called celebrities and Edubirdie itself.

The bulk of YouTube and TikTok influencers were sponsored by Edubirdie and promoted services provided by the latter. The campaign accumulated hundreds of sponsored ads until the BBC investigation in 2018 uncovered and put a stop to it. The latter found out that Edubirdie and other companies were paying enormous amounts of money to YouTube celebrities who have a young audience to persuade students to order from them. YouTube released a statement that this ad wasn't going against their policy.

However, after the problem wasn't left behind and people demanded answers from it and Facebook, they both took some measures to delete similar promotions. Silence didn't last for long, and essay writing services have popped up after some time, which means that students' immeasurable need for academic services is stronger than ever.

It is understandable why educational institutions strive to defeat essay mills. They claim such agencies are students' caveat when it comes to originality and academic integrity. Professors state that such dubious cooperation doesn't bring fruitful outcomes. According to them, writing companies promise to write fully-fledged, plagiarism-free papers, but the results, however, are completely different and far from what such services guarantee. That is, customers tend to get only 60 percent of the grade on average, which is not nearly the grade students aspire to get. However, it all depends on writing companies and their approach toward students. Every industry has honest people who want to meet the requirements and simple scammers who hunt for easy money. Those who choose wisely get anticipated results.

Besides, Tricia Bertram Gallant, director of the Academic Integrity Office at the University of California in San Diego, states that contract cheating is a dead-end in itself. As she says, creating a culture where academic integrity and ethics are the main features of successful and effective education is the solution to this serious problem.

Education and gained knowledge should be valued more than grades. It is an apt statement, indeed. However, academic integrity is a problem in itself, especially in the United States, which exploits students by forcing them to take lifelong loans and making them dependent on their grades. Students have to adapt to this fragile educational system, and turning to essay writing services tends to be the best option.

Essay Mills Advocates And Their Stance People who use or operate in paper writing companies understand such fuss from professors and universities. They can even share their anger when it comes to basic essay mills that don't provide top-notch services. They stigmatize long-lasting agencies that have been working in the industry for years. Others, though, don't agree with those who plan on banning essay writing services and outlawing them.

"Higher education is blind and doesn't want to change itself," says the essay writing service's representative. Students face severe difficulties, which have a great impact on their knowledge and forthcoming education. Many people don't have a choice but to use writing agencies to get their assignments done. And it goes way beyond simple lack of time. Universities don't equip students with the abilities they need to successfully write essays, complete projects, and finish extensive tasks, such as theses and dissertations. The biggest focus educational institutions place is on the student money, but when the moment of returning the favor and teaching comes up, they can't offer anything apart from monotonous classes and overbearing assignments.

"We have to rely on the mills to buy an essay from because the knowledge we gain in academia is not nearly efficient. And when exams approach, we get loads of assignments we literally don't know how to handle," students state.

A Student Academic Experience Survey demonstrates a striking picture. Those who were not very satisfied and not satisfied at all stated they didn't have enough contact hours. Other complaints are related to inaccessible and insufficient teaching materials, excessively large groups, and poor feedback.

Besides, students also agreed that tertiary education doesn't provide effective knowledge. The percentage of people who think otherwise has fallen drastically since 2012. That is, it took just three years to transform 53 percent of those who were satisfied with a value-for-money ratio to 37 percent. Not to mention foreign students, who, as a matter of fact, pay more for the same education as their domestic peers. These shocking numbers prove that universities focus only on students' commercial value.

Some even say that working at essay writing companies brings more benefits than the education itself. People who operate as writers and provide services state this job is intellectually demanding and stimulates their brain, on top of allowing them to work with students of different educational institutions and subjects.

Plenty of writers graduated from universities or still remain students, and they entirely realize the systematic problems current students face.

"Every writing company has lots of services. Those who want to ban essay mills are led by misty intentions and don't know how companies operate," says a writer. Agencies offer several services. They don't necessarily write papers from scratch for people and thus help them get excellent grades. There are also editing and proofreading options, which under no circumstances can be banned.

"You can ask your parents to proofread the paper. This sort of assistance is widely accepted and available. But what if students want to perfect their papers but don't have anyone to scan it over?" he adds. The fact that university chiefs urge to ban essay mills is not shocking nowadays, as the idea has been brought to the table and failed many times before. If that ever succeeds, it will be a hugely hypocritical and pointless move.