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Lost Protectors character
Astroblast and R-Brand art
Created by

Play With This Too
Species Tech Drone


Lost Protectors
Alternate mode

Shield/scout ship

R-Brand is third-party Transformer homage to Cloudburst and Phoenix and heroic fictional character made by Play With This Too as part of their Lost Protectors line.

Lost Protectors

R-Brand is the Tech Drone companion to Astroblast. He turns from robot to scout ship or shield. Combines with Astroblast's rifle and jet pack.


Astroblast was designed by Rik Alvarez with the help of Mark Wong. He was initially developed under the name Astroburst, but it was changed to Astroblast early on. His Tech Drone was originally designed to simply turn from weapons to a scout vehicle, but was later developed to also form a simple humanoid robot by Mark Wong.

Astroblast line art was first revealed online in September 2014.[1]

More art of Astroblast, including color illustrations, was displayed at Retrocon 2014.

Prototype images of D-Throne were posted by Play With This Too online in January 2015.[2]

Ankhor, Astroblast and Goldminer were initially announced to be stretch goals in the Lost Protectors Kickstarter, but they did not end up being among those goals when the campaign was launched.


R-Brand as a Hero System 4th edition character.


  • Play With This Too Lost Protectors R-Brand (unreleased)
R-Brand is a 1:12 scale action figure built with 5mm pegs and ports. Turns from robot to scout ship or shield Astroblast. Combines with Astroblast's rifle and jet pack.
R-Brand has the same legs as D-Fuzz, D-Throne and D-Vour.



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