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Marvel Comics character
Namorita art
First appearance

Sub-Mariner #50 (June 1972)
Species Atlantean/Human mutant
Alter ego

Namorita Prentiss


'Namorite is a fictional character from Marvel Comics.

Fictional biography

Namorita was born in 1958 to Namora, half-human cousin of Atlantis's Prince Namor. Unknown to her husband Talan, Namora became pregnant via genetic manipulation by Atlantean scientist Vyrra, who implanted her with her own clone (infused with genes from Atlantis's greatest warriors) to become pregnant. Talan died when Namorita was three, and she and Namora relocated to Lemuria. Eventually Namora was poisoned by her rival, Llyra, when Namorita was still a pre-adolescent. Llyra assumed the throne of Lemuria soon after, and Namorita remained in her care, suspecting her of Namora's supposed death but unable to prove it.

When Namor reunited with the cousin he had not seen since her infancy, he entrusted her welfare to his longtime surface friend, Betty Prentiss. Under Prentiss's guidance, Namorita attended high school and college. Namorita eventually considered Betty to be her second mother and took her last name when she died. Namorita also acted as mentor to Wundarr, and briefly joined his spiritual movement, the Water Children. Namor was often overprotective of his little cousin and he offered her a job at his company, Oracle Inc. Recently, Nita shared co-rulership of Atlantis with Namor and Andromeda as part of the Council of Three.


This is a 250 point Hero System 4th edition version of Namorita by Mathew Ignash.[1]

|VALUE CHARACTERISTIC COST BASE  PTS|NAME: Namorita Prentiss                 |
|50/58 Strength         x1    10  40|HERO ID: Namorita                       |
|   20 Dexterity        x3    10  30|PLAYER:                                 |
|18/23 Constitution     x2    10  16|----------------------------------------+
|   10 Body             x2    10   0| PTS             POWERS              END|
|   10 Intelligence     x1    10   0|   7 +5 CON,Only if watered in the      |
|   14 Ego              x2    10   8|     last 5 minutes.(-1/2)              |
|   18 Presence         x1    10   8|   7 8/5 Damage Resistance              |
|   16 Comeliness       x1/2  10   3|   8 Life Support,safe in               |
|11/13 Physical Defens  x1    12   1|     vacuum/pressure,breathe env:       |
|  5/6 Energy Defense   x1     5   1|     Water                              |
|    4 Speed            x10  3.0  10|  30 MP (30)                            |
|14/17 Recovery         x2    17   0|  2u 3D6 Drain,"Paralysis touch,        |
|36/46 Endurance        x1/2  46   0|     Drains SPD",7-8 Charges(-1/2)     0|
|44/51 Stun             x1    51   0|  1u 6D6 EB,"Acid Touch",vs physical    |
|       Characteristics Cost:    117|     defense,No Knockback(-1/4),No      |
+-----------------------------------+     Range(-1/2),7-8 Charges(-1/2)     0|
|DISADVANTAGES         BASE: 100+PTS|  3u Invisibility,"Camoflague",Sight,   |
|Distinctive,"Detects as a        10|     no fringe                         3|
| mutant",easily concealable,       |  48 MP (48)                            |
| major                             |  3u 24" Flight,Restrainable(-1/2)     5|
|Distinctive,"Beautiful blonde    15|  2u 14" Running                       3|
| with ankle wings",concealable,    |  1u 20" Swimming,Restrainable(-1/2),   |
| major                             |     1/2 END(+1/4)                     2|
|Hunted,"Various enemies",as      20|   5 +8 STR,Only if watered in the      |
| powerful,non-combat influence,    |     last 5 minutes(-1/2)              1|
| harsh,appear 11-                  |     ==Skills==                         |
|Psych Lim,"Loves/hates Nova",    15|   1 Acting 8-                          |
| common,strong                     |   2 KS: Atlantean Lore 11-             |
|Psych Lim,"Exhibitionist",very   15|   0 Lang: Atlantean,native             |
| common,moderate                   |   5 Lang: English,native accent,       |
|Psych Lim,"Code vs. killing",    20|     literacy                           |
| common,total                      |   1 Lang: Lemurian                     |
|Public ID,"Namorita Prentiss"    10|   2 SC: Marine Biology 11-             |
|Rep,"Minor league hero",occur     5|   2 SC: Oceanography 11-               |
| 8-                                |   1 WF,Swords                          |
|Vuln,"Heat and fire",common,x2   20|     ==Equipment==                      |
| body                              |   2 Radio XMIT/REC,"Communications     |
|Vuln,"Heat and fire",common,x2   20|     Pin",OAF(-1)                       |
| stun                              |     Name: Namorita Prentiss            |
|                                   |     Species: Human/Atlantean hybrid    |
|                                   |     clone mutant mutate                |
|                                   |     Gender: Female                     |
|                                   |     Team: New Warriors                 |
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|          Disadvantages Total : 150| 133 : Powers Total                     |
|             Experience Spent +   0| 117 + Characteristic Total             |
|                 Total Points = 250| 250 = Total Cost                       |


External links