Super Melody-Bot: Ultimate Mecha Robot Crisis Battle

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Super Melody-Bot: Ultimate Mecha Robot Crisis Battle is a 2019 Wattpad 2-part one-shot created by me, Tomicamaker1234! It's a homage to mecha anime EVERYWHERE and serves as a predecessor to the upcoming Tranzor ZXK. The story is set in a fictional city named New Boston and revolves around two sisters, Cassie and Marina, who pilot the super robot Melody-bot and do battle with their arch-rival, Clarissa Adams and her assistant Mrs. Bishop. It's also be released on Deviantart:


Part 1 The story is split into 2 separate parts. Part 1 begins with a My Melody-shaped giant mecha named "Melody-bot", landing in a Boston-like city, known as "New Boston". Melody-bot is then attacked by a Zaku from the Gundam franchise. Melody-bot transforms to fight the Zaku and it's at this point that Melody-bot is piloted by two girls, "Cassie" and "Marina"(whose names where unknown up until now.) The girls then use two of Melody-bot's weaponry, the Super Beam and Melody Punch to destroy the Zaku. They then fight a fleet of mecha, until reaching a large flying fortress, the "Cho-Senkan". Cassie and Marina overcome the ship's defenses before facing Clarissa Adams and Mrs. Bishop with their Kuromi-shaped mecha, named Hyper Kuromi X3-99. After a brief fight, Hyper Kuromi interfaces with the Cho-Senkan. The ship flies into outer space, where it transforms into a towering mech called the "Cho-Sentron". Part 1 then ends on a cliffhanger.

Part 2

Part 2 starts with Cassie and Marina engaging the Cho-Sentron in space. The duo manages to destroy the large robot's head, but Clarissa orders Mrs. Bishop to activate the Cho-Sentron's secondary control program. Hyper Kuromi merges with the Cho-Sentron, while Clarissa exits the mech and uses a strange device to transform herself into a huge, monstrous beast. The fighters take their battle to the moon. At one point during the fight, our heroine duo use the Super Beam attack, but Clarissa swallows the laser, becoming much more powerful in the process. She fires tentacles at Melody-bot, trapping the robot.