Combiner Wars Part 1

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"Combiner Wars"
Transformers: Renegade Rhetoric episode
"Combiner Wars Part 1" title
Episode no. Season 1
Episode 64 & 65
Written by Jim Sorenson
Original air date December 11th, 1986 & December 12th, 1986/February 5th, 2016
Episode chronology
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Combiner Wars is a fictional story in the Transformers: Renegade Rhetoric series episode 64 & 65. Written in 2016, it retroactively took place in an unaired second season of the Challenge of the GoBots animated series. [1]


A treaty between Earth, GoBotron and Quartex leads to a combiners between Guardian and Renegade forces.

Source text

The following was first posted on the Renegade Rhetoric Facebook page on February 5th, 2016.

Dear Cy-Kill, Whatever happened with Project: Nemesis?

Cy-Kill: An excellent question! In fact, I am currently in the middle of my greatest scheme ever, and it involves Project: Nemesis.

It began when General Newcastle arrived in a UNECOM ship on Quartex. Leader-1 greeted him, welcoming him to the planet "and to a tri-planet alliance that will last a thousand years and make the galaxy safe from Renegades and rogue Rock Lords alike, once and for all!" Boulder and Solitaire, too, were there, and Newcastle expressed his disbelief at being surrounded by so many living rocks. His reverie was broken when two Rockasaurs burst onto the scene at attacked! It was a Terra-Roc and a Spike Stone! Boulder, Solitaire, Leader-1, and Turbo engaged in a futile battle with the creatures, intent on keeping them from smashing Newcastle's shuttle, but it was clear the Guardian goofs and stone simpletons were outmatched. Then, the Jewel Lords Flamestone and Sunstone entered the fray. Flamestone drove Terra-Roc back with his ferocious attacks, and Sunstone soothed the savage Spike Stone. Soon both Rockasaurs had been driven off, leaving Newcastle complimenting the Jewel Lords on their abilities.

From the shadows, Spearhead, the kyanite chump, and Sabrestone, the garnet goon, watched, observing everything. Magmar's plan to herd the Rockasaurs to the landing zone had failed. After a brief but furtive argument, they converted to their boulder configurations and rolled back to Stonehead to report to Magmar.

Magmar was, of course, distraught that his feeble plan had failed. Though he had recently made Stonehead impregnable, with the creation of his hordes of Action Shock Rock drones, he had been steadily losing ground to Boulder's Rock Lords, Solitaire's Jewel Lords, and Jaw Bone's Fossil Lords. With little alternative, he used Stonehead's power to send a call to me, at Rogue Star.

I, meanwhile, was witnessing a demonstration. Dr. Go, with some help from Tic Tac's scientific expertise, had finished work on his improvement to the Grungy combiner. Now, the central unit was a tank, synced to my brainwaves. I watched as BuggyMan, Block Head, Loco, and Decker Decker utilized their Power Suits to magnify their own abilities. Truly, Dr. Go had outdone himself. Thus, I was in high spirits when Magmar's call came in.

At first he attempted to play haughty, teasing me that he had information I'd want. I had little interest in his ferrous fatuousness, and told him so. But when I moved to cut the connection, he spilled his proverbial guts. My expression darkened at first at the prospect of this new three-planet alliance. Human bases on Quartex? Boulder helping to defend Earth? But then I realized, this was the perfect time to flex my new muscles. I cut the dacite dolt off mid sentence, and then told him exactly what he was going to do to prepare for my arrival.

The day of the official signing of the treaty was here. It was a beautiful, sunny day, and the Ingot Ampitheater was filled with cheering rock rubes. Leader-1, Boulder, Solitaire, and General Newcastle all stood on the stage. In the stands, Nick, A.J., and Matt Hunter were all resplendent in their dress uniforms. Nick even expressed the hope that, with the alliance in place, they might be able to find the mysterious A.I. who was prophesized to be able to restore the lost knowledge of the Ro-Beings. Nuggit, who had clearly polished his gold carapace for the occasion, sat with a gleaming Scooter and they talked shop. The Secret Riders were present, as were the Robo Rebels. Small Foot stood guard with the ruby Flamestone at the south gate, and Turbo stood with Sunstone at the north gate. Even the Last Engineer turned up in the audience, visiting from New Earth with his family. Everything seemed auspicious as Solitaire began to officiate. "This is a new day for three worlds. When each of the three leaders assembled on stage signs this document, we will be forever committed to the mutual defense of our worlds!"

With a flourish, Solitaire produced the treaty... and it was shot out of her hand! The audience gasped and turned, only to see Magmar, in the hills north of the Amphitheater, wielding his ax-rifle. "Attack," he shouted, and the rocks around the arena's north entrance resolved into his troops. The pompous Sunstone, who believed Jewel Lords superior to all other forms of rocks, and, not incidentally, GoBots, had been getting on Turbo's nerves, but the Guardian was certainly glad of his aide when faced with nine nasty Rock Lords. They ducked behind cover and began firing, knowing they would only need to hold for few moments before reinforcements arrived.

Boulder's forces, as well as the Guardians in the audience, rushed to the north gate to aide Turbo and his amber compatriot. Narlibats swooped in from overhead, forcing those on stage to dive for cover. Although Magmar had brought his entire force to the sortie, they were only ten strong, and Boulder's forces plus the Guardians had him outnumbered by better than two to one.

At the south gate, Small Foot wanted to stay at her post, despite the action. She had been getting along with her upbeat Jewel Lord partner, but was distressed when the hothead ran off to aid in the defense of the north gate, leaving her all alone. And well she should have, for Magmar's forces weren't the only villains about! When the opposition was sufficiently distracted, Cop-Tur, Crasher, and I strode boldly forward to her position, with Zod trailing behind! She attempted to shout a warning, but I blasted her as she turned to shout. Amid the pandemonium, no one noticed one more blast!

With a clear shot at our enemies rear, I saw no reason to delay. I gave Fitor, in command of our fleet from Rogue Star, the order to drop our Stealth Device and blockade the planet, then waded into the carnage. I savored every minute as we blasted Guardians and Rock Lords left and right. The scardy-stones in the audience running off in a panic was a delightful bonus.

Gattai Saurer (aka Fossil Saurus) in Machine Robo: Revenge of Cronos

Of course, Leader-1 hadn't allowed all of his forces to idle in the audience. He called in his reserves the moment he saw what was happening, and soon the battle was joined by Courageous, who picked up Zod by the tail and hurtled him over the horizon. The Guardians attempted to rally, but I was prepared for this eventuality. I ordered Fright Face to combine into Monsterous, and the two leviathans grappled. Boulder, too, had kept an ace up his non-existent sleeve, and summoned Jaw Bone and the Fossil Lords! Fossilsaurus formed, and pulled Monsterous off of Courageous. GoBot and fossil battled side by side, and Monsterous was forced to duck behind the immense rock stage for cover... but not for long. At my command, the six beings of Puzzler united, and with their combined Mighty Skills, they rushed into battle.

Leader-1 emerged from cover to throw a blast in my direction, one which I handily dodged. "Give it up, Cy-Kill. You may have caught us by surprise, but we're ready for you now. And with both sides having two combiners, you'll never win this Combiner War."

I just chuckled, all the while using my brainwaves to move the Nemesis tank into position. "Perhaps you're right, Leader-1, perhaps we'd lose in a fair fight... but Renegades never fight fair. Form Nemesis!" With that, my four Power Suited soldier emerged, and united to form Nemesis. With three combiners to Leader-1's two, we pummeled the Guardians' towering titans until they were forced to disengage! Using my brainwaves, I had Nemesis snatch Boulder and Leader-1 from the stage. I laughed and laughed, which seems like a good place to end things for now. As this scheme is still ongoing, I shall report back when my final victory is secured.

--Part 2--

There I stood, in control of Nemesis, ironically holding my own personal nemesis, Leader-1, as well as the irritating but persistent Boulder. Newcastle attempted to run, but Cop-Tur snagged him effortlessly. "We have what we came for, Renegades and Rock Lords! To Stonehead!" We boarded Magmar's Stone Wing and flew off, to what I thought was to be my final victory.

Damaged Guardians and Rock Lords strewn haphazardly about the battlefield. Scooter helped Turbo get to his feet. Morale was low among the Guardians and Rock Lords, for how could it be otherwise. Solitaire attempted to consolidate some resistance for an attack on Stonehead to rescue our leadership, but enthusiasm was flagging. "How can we beat that rotten Renegade, now that he's got three combiners? We don't even have a leader," remarked Turbo, echoing the sentiment that they all must have felt.

Things seemed hopeless for my arrayed enemies... until Matt took the stage. That accursed human gave a rousing speech, starting off from the position that yes, things looked dire, but then asking if giving up was what Leader-1 would want, was what Boulder would want, was what Newcastle would want. By the end, he had put the fire back in the bellies of that rabble. The Secret Riders, Fossil Lords, Robo Rebels, Jewel Lords, Power Suited Guardians, Rock Lords, and humans were all ready to take a run at Stonehead. Nuggit, sensibly, remarked that they would need a plan. Scooter piped up that he had one that was risky, but just might work.

Back at Stonehead, the atmosphere was one of revelry. I could still barely contain my contempt for Magmar's igneous imbecility, but I was feeling magnanimous. Besides, he was our host, after all, and his hordes of Dragon Stone, Blast Rock, and Stun Stone drones made any approach to Stonehead a death trap. I had planned to let the Guardians and assorted mineral morons stew in the juices of their own defeat, before putting out an ultimatum of my own.

I ordered my entire Thruster fleet to Quartex, to blockade the planet and prevent any additional reinforcements from arriving. Though we were outnumbered in space, the heavy meteorite density about Quartex made it possible for us to prevent any approach with the ships at our disposal. With so many Guardians in attendance here on Quartex, their forces were hopelessly divided. If they did not agree to my terms, I was prepared to slaughter all of them on Quartex before bringing the Combiner Wars to Gobotron and Earth.

Before I could even make my announcement to the universe, I was pleasantly surprised to see Scooter trudging up the trail to Stonehead holding a white flag. Behind him were Turbo, Small Foot, Solitaire, Bent Wing, Nuggit, and Tri-Trak. Crasher advised caution, but I was all too happy to see my enemies remaining leadership having finally seen the folly of opposing my will. In retrospect, I should have listened to her. Instead, I instructed the Action Shock Rock drones to let them through, and they marched to our front gates. Of course, I had every gun on the place trained on them, but strode out confidently to accept their surrender.

"So, you Guardians have finally come to your senses, eh? I think you'll find that Renegade justice is stern but fair, and my dominion over your realms will result in a great prosperity... for all smart enough to play ball."

Scooter gulped. "What choice did we have? You hold all the cards. We just ask that you be merciful to the populations of the three planets you'll be ruling."

I was about to promise mercy--a promise I considered in no way binding--when Magmar opened his rock hole. "You mean two planets. Quartex belongs to me."

Before I could agree with him--after all, who needs to rule a planet of pebbles?--Solitaire spoke up. "Surely three. Magmar has been trying to rule Quartex for decades, and Cy-Kill has accomplished the task in mere hours."

I couldn't resist. "The lady has a point."

Cop-Tur tried to save me from my folly. "Uh, Cy-Kill, didn't we agree we don't even want Quartex?"

I just waved him off, high on my triumph. "I'm sure I can find some use for it. It's not like Magmar would even know what to do with it."

Magmar snapped. "You're in MY fortress, surrounded by MY troops! I won't tolerate your robo-lip! Tombstone, Brimstone, seize him!"

The quartz and brimstone imbeciles moved for me, and I picked up one and hurtled him into the other. By this point, the Guardians and their allies had scattered, and I found myself in a three-way fight. Worse, the Guardians had a focused plan. Turbo and Solitaire participated in the battle, keeping our heads down with frequent blasts. Tri-Track and Bent Wing located the prisoners and released them, bringing Leader-1 and Boulder into the mix. Small Foot took out the narliebaboon near the panel controlling the Action Shock Rocks, allowing Scooter and Nuggit to hack two of the three types, turning the Blast Rock and Stun Stone drones against the Dragon Stones. A short but furious battle ensued. By the time I realized what was happening, we had lost the battle...

...but not the war! I still had the Combiner advantage. In the face of the rest of the Guardians and Rock Lords advancing on Stonehead, I ordered Puzzler, Nemesis, and Monsterous to form and give my enemies a thrashing. Unfortunately, nearly half of the Blast Rock and Stun Stones were still operational. Scooter and Nuggit turned all of their firepower on Monsterous, the most powerful but least disciplined of my Combiners. Enraged, it abandoned the approaching threat of Courageous and Fossilsaurus to deal with the Action Shock Rocks, allowing the Guardians a fair fight. How I detest a fair fight. A.J. noted that it was a good thing they had a robotic Rock Lord on hand to help hack the Action Shock Rocks, a statement which gave Solitaire a flash of inspiration... but one that would have to wait for later.

With our combiner advantage neutralized, I now faced a large horde of Rock Lords and Guardians about to lay siege to the fortress I was currently contesting with Magmar. The fight was hopeless, so I prepared to withdraw to Rogue Star... only to hear a report from Fitor that the entire Guardian fleet had engaged with the Thruster blockade. Worse still, Nuggit had contacted UNECOM and told them that their beloved leader was imperiled, and UNECOM had thrown every ship they had at the blockade. The many asteroids around Quartex made retreat impossible, and my ships were forced to land on the planet and surrender, or crash and be destroyed. I heard Pow Wow shout that they were being boarded, and then Fitor's transmission cut out.

As I watched the shooting stars that were the remains of my space fleet, I realized that I still had a last, desperate shot at victory. If I could just take Leader-1 back out of the fight, the Guardian morale might collapse again. I charged at him, and we engaged in a furious duel over the Stonehead fortress. A distant part of my mind noted that Magmar and Bolder were similarly occupied. Time and again I nearly had him in my sights, but just as I prepared to take my final shot, he pulled up suddenly and I found myself colliding with Magmar!

The two of us tumbled off of his fortress, towards a pit of lava below, seemingly to our deaths. Leader-1 and Boulder looked over the pit, but saw only bubbling lava. "Nothing could have survived that plunge, Boulder," spake Leader-1 confidently.

Boulder wasn't so sure. "Do you really think we've seen the last of them, Leader-1?"

The Guardian leader shook his head. "I'm not sure, Boulder. Cy-Kill is the trickiest GoBot I've ever known. But I do know this--the Renegades, and evil Rock Lords, are through for good!" A great cheer went up. It was true, Magmar's forces had been rounded up, my combiners had been defeated, my Thruster fleet was shattered, and for the first time ever Rogue Star was in Guardian hands.

The next day, the planned ceremony at the Ingot Ampitheater took place. This time, the treaty was signed without incident. The audience erupted in a loud cheer, and virtually every Guardian and many allies from over the years were in attendance. Why, even Vec-Tor put in an appearance, smiling knowingly. My Renegades were taken back to Elba to await trial. In fact, as Cop-Tur and Crasher were led away in energy chains, Cop-Tur was heard wondering "Hey, do you think it's too late to join the Guardians," prompting Crasher to tell him, "Oh, do shut up, Cop-Tur." Magmar's gang was sentenced to hard labor for their multitudinous crimes; Sticks 'n Stones even attempted to turn evidence against each other!

UNECOM established a permanent base on Quartex, which was itself in the beginnings of a renaissance. The moment Nuggit set foot in Clastixandria, at Solitaire's prompting, he was able to interface with the ancient systems and restore the lost knowledge of the Ro-Beings. The supernova which had prompted them to undergo the metamorphosis of their world had damaged wiped Nuggit's conscious memory circuits, but he still possessed the latent key which enabled the library to become fully operational. Quartex was destined to become one of the great centers of learning in the galaxy.

And where was I? Stuck with a rock as my only ally, who had pulled me into a secret tunnel the instant before I plunged into the lava. We limped away from Quartex under cover of the Stealth Device, in a wrecked Thruster I had salvaged from the Foidolite Forest. But this I swear. If it take a thousand years... if it take a million... the Renegade cause will rise again!


Guardians Renegades Humans Good Rock Lords Evil Rock Lords Others
Leader-1 Cy-Kill General Newcastle Boulder Spearhead Terra-Roc
Scooter Dr. Go Nick Burns Solitaire Saberstone Spike Stone
Bent Wing Tic Tac A.J. Foster Flamestone Magmar Narnibats
Raizor BuggyMan Matt Hunter Sunstone Tombstone Blast Rock Drones
Super Couper Blockhead Jawbone Brimstone Stun Stone Drones
Tail Pipe Loco Nuggit Sticks 'n Stones Dragon Stone Drones
Tork Decker Decker Fossil Saurus
Tri-Track Fright Face
Twister Monsterous
Turbo Puzzler
Last Engineer Cop-Tur
Small Foot Crasher


  • On December 21st, 2015 the Ask Vector Prime Facebook page posted a fictional list of the unaired episodes of Challenge of the GoBots season 2, which listed "Combiner Wars" as season 2 episode 66 & 65, which was supposed to air December 11-12, 1986.


  1. "Combiner Wars". Written by Jim Sorenson. Transformers: Renegade Rhetoric. December 11th, 1986 & December 12th, 1986/February 5th, 2016. No. 64 & 65, season 1.

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