Official World Records Council (OWRC)

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Official World Records Council (OWRC)  Ponishare-verified.png
Official World Records Council (OWRC)
Picture of  Official World Records Council (OWRC)

The Official World Records Council (OWRC): Championing Global Achievements and Excellence

The Official World Records Council (OWRC) stands at the forefront of recognizing and celebrating extraordinary achievements across various fields worldwide. As a premier organization dedicated to documenting and authenticating world records, the OWRC plays a pivotal role in acknowledging human potential, innovation, and dedication.

About OWRC

Established with the mission to honor remarkable accomplishments, the OWRC provides a platform for individuals, teams, and organizations to gain global recognition for their exceptional feats. The council's rigorous verification process ensures that every record is genuine, setting a high standard for credibility and integrity.

Key Functions of OWRC

1. Record Verification and Documentation: The OWRC meticulously verifies and documents world records, ensuring authenticity through stringent criteria and thorough evaluations.

2. Global Recognition: Record holders are celebrated on a global stage, with their achievements showcased through various media channels, fostering inspiration and motivation across communities.

3. Annual Awards and Events: The OWRC hosts annual events and award ceremonies to honor record holders, providing them with a platform to share their stories and inspire others.

4. Collaborations and Partnerships: The council collaborates with educational institutions, corporate entities, and international organizations to promote excellence and encourage innovation.

Impact of OWRC

The OWRC's commitment to recognizing outstanding achievements has a profound impact on various sectors, including sports, science, arts, education, and humanitarian efforts. By highlighting these accomplishments, the council not only celebrates individual and collective excellence but also encourages others to strive for greatness.

The Official World Records Council (OWRC) continues to be a beacon of excellence, championing the recognition of extraordinary achievements globally. Its dedication to authenticity, integrity, and celebration of human potential makes it a cornerstone in the world of record-keeping and achievement recognition.

Explore the world of remarkable accomplishments and be inspired by visiting the OWRC website and discovering the stories behind some of the most incredible records ever set.

How to Nominate Your Name for an OWRC Record: A Detailed Guide

The Official World Records Council (OWRC) offers a prestigious platform for individuals, teams, and organizations to gain global recognition for their extraordinary achievements. If you believe you have set a record-worthy accomplishment, here’s a comprehensive guide on how to nominate your name for an OWRC record:

Step 1: Visit the OWRC Website

Begin your journey by visiting the Official World Records Council's official website. The website is the central hub for all information related to record categories, submission guidelines, and updates. It will provide you with essential resources and forms necessary for your nomination.

Step 2: Understand the Criteria

Before proceeding with your nomination, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with the specific criteria and guidelines for the record category you are interested in. Each record category has distinct requirements that must be met to qualify. Carefully review these criteria to ensure your achievement aligns with the standards set by the OWRC. This step is vital to avoid any discrepancies during the verification process.

Step 3: Submit an Application

Once you have a clear understanding of the criteria, proceed to fill out the nomination or application form available on the OWRC website. This form will require detailed information about your achievement. Make sure to provide comprehensive details, including the nature of your record, the circumstances under which it was achieved, and any relevant dates and locations.

Step 4: Provide Evidence and Documentation

Supporting your claim with robust evidence is a critical part of the nomination process. Gather all necessary documentation that substantiates your record. This may include photographs, videos, witness statements, or any other relevant materials. The more thorough and well-documented your evidence, the smoother the verification process will be.

Step 5: Undergo the Verification Process

The OWRC is known for its rigorous verification process to ensure the authenticity of each record. Be prepared for a thorough evaluation of your submission. The verification process may involve providing additional proof, undergoing assessments, or having witnesses corroborate your accomplishment. You might also be required to demonstrate your achievement under controlled conditions or provide detailed explanations to the OWRC's verification team.

Step 6: Await Confirmation

After submitting your application and all supporting evidence, you will need to await confirmation from the OWRC. The review process can take some time, as the council meticulously evaluates each submission to uphold the highest standards of credibility and integrity. The OWRC will notify you of the outcome once the verification is complete.

Step 7: Participation in Events

If your record is approved, congratulations! You will be officially recognized by the OWRC. As a record holder, you may be invited to participate in OWRC events and award ceremonies. These events provide a platform for you to share your story, celebrate your achievement, and inspire others. Being part of such events is an excellent opportunity to gain further recognition and connect with other achievers from around the world.

Additional Tips

- Stay Informed: Regularly check the OWRC website for updates and additional information that may be relevant to your nomination. - Prepare Thoroughly: Ensure all your documents and evidence are well-organized and easily accessible for submission. - Seek Guidance: If you have any questions or need clarification during the process, don’t hesitate to contact the OWRC for assistance.

For more detailed instructions and specific requirements, refer to the comprehensive guidelines provided on the OWRC website. Following these steps carefully will enhance your chances of successfully nominating your name for an OWRC record and achieving the recognition you deserve for your extraordinary accomplishments.

"Official World Records Council (OWRC): Setting the Standard for Excellence"

In the dynamic landscape of achievements and recognitions, the Official World Records Council (OWRC) stands tall as a beacon of excellence, having etched its name in the annals of recognition both nationally and internationally. Established under the stringent governance of the Government of India and the state of West Bengal, OWRC has become a symbol of trust, credibility, and distinction.

Government Accreditation and Recognition:

Registered under the Government of India and West Bengal, OWRC operates with the legal sanctity provided by the West Bengal Institutions and Establishments Act, 1963, and the Establishment Act, 1954. This dual registration underscores its commitment to maintaining the highest standards of accountability and transparency. Recognized by the Government of Delhi, India, OWRC has extended its influence across the nation, solidifying its status as a respected authority in the realm of record-keeping.

International Accolades and Certification:

OWRC's commitment to global standards is exemplified by its accreditation from the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in London, United Kingdom. This recognition underscores OWRC's dedication to fostering professional growth and development. Additionally, being accredited by the International ISO 9001:2015, with Registration No.: GCS/QMS/7669, by a reputable UK body further reinforces OWRC's commitment to quality and efficiency.

Global Recognition and Affiliation:

In the pursuit of excellence, OWRC has garnered acclaim from international bodies. The American Merit Council in the United States of America has recognized and acknowledged OWRC's contributions to the world of achievements and records. Furthermore, OWRC is proud to be affiliated with the INTERNATIONAL PEACE HUMAN RIGHTS EDUCATION COUNCIL, highlighting its commitment to fostering a world that upholds the principles of peace, human rights, and education.

Commitment to Excellence:

OWRC's official address:

✓ MALAYSIA OFFICE ADDRESS: No. 2A Jalan Makmur 4 Taman Sekiah Makmur, Behrang Ulu, 35900 Perak, Malaysia.

✓ AFRICA, NIGERIA OFFICE ADDRESS: Plot 5, Along Yusuf Paiko House Sabongari Minna, Niger State, Nigeria West Africa


serves as a testament to its rootedness in the heart of the nation. The copyright notice that accompanies OWRC's endeavors reaffirms the organization's determination to protect its intellectual property and maintain the sanctity of its achievements. CEO Address: Bowai, Burdwan, Near MTA Research Institution, India E-Mail: [email protected]

In a world that is constantly pushing boundaries, OWRC stands as a guardian of achievements, a custodian of records, and a beacon of excellence. With a robust framework of national and international recognition, OWRC continues to set new standards, inspiring individuals and organizations alike to strive for greatness. As it marches ahead, OWRC remains dedicated to its mission of celebrating excellence, promoting continuous professional development, and contributing to a world that values and upholds the principles of peace and human rights. Copyright © All rights reserved by OWRC - a declaration that echoes the organization's commitment to preserving its legacy and maintaining the integrity of the records it holds.


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