Maria Nova

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Maria Nova Ponishare-verified.png
Maria Nova Founder of Girlynova
Maria Nova
Born Maria Nova
January 14, 1990 (1990-01-14) (age 34)
New York, NY
Nationality United States
Other names Maria
Education Bachelor’s degree in Fashion Design from the Academy of Art University
Occupation Fashion and Clothing Adviser
Years active 2016
Organization Girlynova
Height 1.65 m (5 ft 5 in)
Title Maria Nova Founder of Girlynova
Religion Christianity

Maria Nova

Maria Nova is a multi-talented professional known for her expertise in clothing advisory, blogging, fitness consulting, and travel. She is the founder of, a popular platform dedicated to women's clothing and outfit inspiration. Maria's passion for helping women feel confident and stylish is evident in her work as a clothing adviser.


Maria Nova's career encompasses various domains, including fashion, fitness, and travel. Her extensive knowledge and experience in these fields have made her a sought-after consultant and influencer.

Clothing Adviser

As a clothing adviser, Maria assists women in creating stylish and personalized outfits that reflect their individuality. With a keen eye for fashion trends and a deep understanding of body types and style preferences, she offers valuable guidance to her clients. Maria's expertise extends to various occasions, from casual wear to formal events, ensuring that women always feel their best.


Maria's passion for fashion and lifestyle led her to establish her popular blog. Through her blog, she shares her insights, tips, and advice on fashion, styling, and personal expression. Her engaging content resonates with readers, inspiring them to explore their unique fashion sense and embrace their inner style.

Fitness Adviser

Recognizing the importance of overall well-being, Maria also delves into the realm of fitness. She provides expert advice on women's fitness, promoting a healthy lifestyle and encouraging physical activity. Her guidance covers various aspects, including workout routines, nutrition tips, and body positivity. Maria's aim is to empower women to prioritize their health and feel confident in their bodies.


In addition to her work in fashion and fitness, Maria is an avid traveler. She combines her love for exploration with her passion for fashion, sharing her travel experiences and outfit inspirations from around the world. Through her captivating storytelling, she encourages others to embrace adventure and discover new cultures and fashion trends. is Maria Nova's brainchild, a renowned online platform dedicated to women's clothing and outfits. The website serves as a hub of fashion inspiration, featuring curated collections, styling tips, and outfit ideas for women of all ages and body types. With a focus on inclusivity and diversity, aims to empower women to embrace their unique beauty and express themselves through fashion.

Achievements and Recognition Maria Nova's contributions to the fashion, blogging, and fitness industries have earned her recognition and admiration from a wide audience. Her expertise and dedication to empowering women have led to collaborations with renowned brands, appearances at fashion events, and features in prestigious publications.


Maria Nova holds a bachelor’s degree in Fashion Design from the Academy of Art University and has further honed her skills and knowledge through continuous learning and hands-on experience. Her educational background provides a strong foundation for her work as a clothing adviser and fashion influencer.

Personal Life

Maria Nova resides in New York, where she continues to inspire and guide women through her various ventures. She is known for her warm and approachable demeanor, making her a trusted source of fashion and lifestyle advice.

Social Media Presence

You can connect with Maria Nova and stay updated with her latest fashion tips, fitness advice, and travel adventures through her social media platforms:

Email: [email protected]


Please note that the above information is accurate as of the knowledge cutoff in December 2022, and certain details about Maria Nova's career and achievements may have changed since then.