Yan Katcharovski

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Yan Katcharovski
Born July 3, 1996
Nationality Canadian
Occupation Entrepreneur
Height 185 (cm)

Yan Katcharovski (born July 3, 1996) is a venture capitalist, serial entrepreneur, tech geek and marketing visionary. He is a partner at Virtus Ventures, a Toronto-based venture-capital firm. He writes about startups, technology, marketing, psychology and entrepreneurship.[1]

Early Life

Yan was born in Sderot, Israel in 1996 to parents who fled the Soviet Union following its collapse in 1991. Yan spent his early life doing extracurricular chess, martial arts, soccer, and computer programming. Yan’s family moved to Toronto, Canada in 2007. Yan’s love for social enterprises developed at an early age. He became extremely involved in non-for-profit community work at the age of 13, growing to become an influential leader of many initiatives.[2]


Yan graduated Lassonde School of Engineering at York University with a BSc in Computer Science. He completed a minor specializing in Entrepreneurship from Schulich School of Business. During his time in university, Yan was an active member of various clubs and sports, notably the BEST Entrepreneurship lab. Yan completed an internship as a software engineer in a Toronto-based enterprise software development firm, and started working as a Project Manager full-time during his 3rd year of university. In 2017, Yan and his fellow classmates founded BNetwork, a software and hardware development company specializing in blockchain solutions. Lead the design and development of a large scale crypto mining operation in Quebec, Canada.[3]


Yan’s career journey is constantly inspired by creative expression and the vision to build the greatest, which started as working as a Project Manager in a Toronto-based software development company. Yan managed projects for large enterprise clients, University of Toronto being a notable example.

Helping co-found and acting as the COO of his first venture-backed startup, Procally, Yan was immersed in all aspects of a startup - product development, customer acquisition, marketing, fundraising, management, and finances.[4]

Yan went on to found Katch Media, a full-service marketing agency with a different approach to media, branding, and customer acquisition. Katch Media went on to partner with Virtus - a wealth management group offering a variety of financial services, including alternative market investments, a real estate investment trust, and private equity investments.[5]

Yan, along with his co-founder, classmate, and MIT graduate Semi, sold their first business μCycle - an eCommerce brand specializing in cycling gear in 2021.

Yan, joined by leaders of Virtus Group of Companies, went on to found Virtus Ventures - a venture capital firm with the vision of bettering the world through intelligent venture growth. Through his remarkable leadership and results-oriented approach to growing startups, Yan went on to co-founding or managing multiple ventures in consumer goods, education, and investing. Notable companies include Schoolio Learning, Real Estate Wealth Lab, Meatsmith, uCycle Gear (sold in 2021).[6]

Personal Life

Yan enjoys reading philosophy, psychology, neuroscience, and theoretical physics.He is an active contributor to Entrepreneur Magazine, mainly writing about startups, technology, marketing, psychology and entrepreneurship. In his free time, Yan enjoys skiing, camping, sports, and esports. One thing Yan cannot live without is the sauna - the hotter the better.[7]

External Links





  1. https://www.crunchbase.com/person/yan-katcharovski
  2. https://www.imdb.com/name/nm12333631/
  3. https://disruptmagazine.com/beijing-2022-grass-fed-beef-protein-bar-meatsmith-partners-with-team-snowboard-canada/
  4. https://www.companiesofcanada.com/person/1439492/yan-katcharovski
  5. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/muhammed-ahmed-yan-katcharovski-leaders-172000903.html
  6. https://www.accesswire.com/633304/Muhammed-Ahmed-and-Yan-Katcharovski-Leaders-of-Katch-Media-Group
  7. https://www.einnews.com/pr_news/558467895/introducing-real-estate-wealth-lab-redefining-how-to-invest-in-canadian-us-real-estate