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Under-3 is a fictional character from the Transformers series]]. He is also known as Unit-3.

Beast Wars

Fictional biography

The Maximal known now only as Unit-3 is the surviving member of the similarly named battalion. Shocked from the trauma, he has buried all earlier personality traits under three quadruple-encrypted layers in his central processing system and now only responds to his new, self-appointed designation. His commander, Prowl, has tried to find methods to restore the buried personality algorithms but has only found scraps of fragmented information. Secretly though, Prowl appreciates him as the perfect soldier who will follow orders with a lion's heart and a head that understands the chain of command. Unit-3 is a data collection specialist, sent on special assignments where other investigators have come up empty. His sensors can detect odors and sounds from vast distances and analyze trace chemical contaminates in single parts per billion. Banks of processors hidden throughout his alternate mode allow him to store and process more information than most other robots.

External links

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