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Transformers character
Terrormander in Beast Wars Second
Name Terrormander
Series Beast Wars Second
Voiced by Hiroaki Ichinowatari
Alternate modes Giant mechanical manta ray with legs
Function Pirate Torpedo Bomber (Takara), Bomber (IDW)
Motto "Good things come to those who wait."
Partner Halfshell, Scylle, Coelagon, and Sea Phantom
Rank 5
Sub-group Seacon Space Pirates

Terrormander is a fictional character from the Transformers series. He was a reoccuring character in the Beast Wars Second anime series in 1998.

Beast Wars Second

Terrormander is a fictional character from the Beast Wars Second anime series. He was a member of the Seacon Space Pirates under the command of the pirate captain Halfshell.

As a Scramble City limb he cam form any limb of a Scramble City style combiner or combine with Metroplex or Metrotitan, but his normal mode of combining is as the right arm of God Neptune.

Fictional biography

Terrormander is the youngest of the Seacons Space Pirates. He cuts through the water like a bullet. He delights in making sneak attacks using his teleport ability, and will sink his fangs into just about anything. In beast mode he fires Mandarrock torpedos and can create a Mandarbreak vibration attack from his nose. He stands 2.5 meters tall and weighs 2.1 tons. He can fly at 150 kilometers per hour in beast mode or 100 kilometers per hour in robot mode. He forms God Neptune's right arm. He is sometimes lazy.

Animated series

The Seacons appeared in episode #19 of Beast Wars Second, called "The Space Pirate Seacons!"

The Seacons appeared in episode #21, called "The Tentacular Scuba."

The Seacons were featured in episode #22, "Megastorm's Reconing", where Terrormander fights Apache.

The Seacons appeared in episode #23, "Showdown in the Sea."

The Seacons appeared in episode #25, "The Final Battle."

The Seacons appeared in episode #29, "The Artificial Planet Nemesis."

The seacons appeared in episode #40, "Revenge of the Space Pirates."

The Seacon Space Pirates appeared in Beast Wars Second movie "Lio Convoy Crisis". In this episode the Seacons fought the Jointron Brothers.


The Seacons appeared in the Beast Wars Second manga issue #4, in a story called "Realize the Forbidden Love!"

IDW Publishing

Terrormander had a biography printed in the Beast Wars Sourcebook by IDW Publishing.[1] The IDW biography presents him as being very patent, which is misinterperted as being lazy by others. He is also portrayed as a highly proficient computer hacker.


Terrormander toy
  • Beast Wars Second Terrormander (1998)
Terrormander is a recolor of the Generation 1 Deception Seawing, but missing all the accessories. He was packaged together with his 4 fellow Seacon Space Pirates.
The toy for Terrormander is 8 centimeters tall and the character is supposed to stand 2.5 meters tall, meaning the toy is about 1:31 scale.
This toy was later recolored into Timelines Seawing.


External links