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A sticker is a type of adhesive label or decal, commonly crafted from materials such as paper, vinyl, or plastic, and featuring various designs, messages, or images. These versatile items find widespread usage across different spheres of life, serving decorative, promotional, and functional purposes.


The roots of stickers trace back to the 18th century when merchants began using labels to mark their goods. However, the modern concept of stickers emerged in the 19th century with the invention of adhesive labels. Notably, R. Stanton Avery's introduction of self-adhesive labels on rolls in 1935 revolutionized the sticker industry, enabling mass production and widespread usage.

Stickers gained prominence during the 20th century, particularly in the 1960s and 1970s, as a means of personal expression and activism. They became vehicles for spreading messages and ideals, especially during social and political movements.